Becoming Fearless

22. Simplifying Work and Amplifying Kindness with Caro Syson

Charlotte Carter Episode 22

This episode's conversation is with Caro Syson, the creator of two ingenious platforms which are both testaments to her undaunted spirit and her quest to simplify the complexities of business and human connection.

Caro shares her journey of creating Pocket PA, an all-in-one app for self-employed beauty industry workers, and the inspiration behind it. We then discuss her latest venture, Cheer We Go, a platform that allows people to send voice notes of support and encouragement to others. Caro emphasizes the importance of kindness, connection, and supporting one another in business and life.

We cover:

  • The importance of bravery and the refusal to live with regrets.
  • Pocket PA is an all-in-one app designed for self-employed beauty industry workers, providing tools for managing clients, appointments, billing, and accounts.
  • Cheer We Go is a platform that allows people to send voice notes of support and encouragement to others, promoting kindness and connection.
  • The importance of taking small steps and making tiny changes each day to achieve remarkable results.


Free Pocket PA trial:
Cheer We Go:

Caro's book recommendation: Atomic Habits by James Clear



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Speaker 1:

Welcome to Becoming Fearless, the personal growth podcast for you if you are ready to overcome fear and step into your greatness. Our purpose is to help you overcome your limits, have loads of fun along the way, unlocking your fullest potential in life, business, health and relationships every single day. I'm your host, charlotte Carter, a high performance coach and entrepreneur with over 20 years experience. I'm your host, charlotte Carter, a high-performance coach and entrepreneur with over 20 years experience. I've supported many highly driven, talented people like you who dream big and are ready to take action to overcome what's holding them back. Each week, my guests and I will be sharing hacks and habits on how to build self-belief, courage and confidence, to master your mindset and navigate your emotions so that you can reach your human potential in a way that feels light, fun and easeful and helps you become fearless. Let's go, welcome. Welcome everyone to another episode of Becoming Fearless. I have another guest episode with me today and we are going to have fun for the next 20-25 minutes. In your ears. There will be lots of joy and lots of laughter.

Speaker 1:

This guest is somebody that I met, quite possibly very soon after lockdown. We met at like a membership get-together and in that moment I was, like this woman's awesome. I want to know more, I want to find out more about her, I want to support her in various guises and I want to be a big cheerleader. And that's kind of where our friendship started and we've dipped in and out of each other's growth and we met again recently and I was like Caro, I need you to come on Becoming Fearless, because I want to talk about who you are, what you're all about and how you show up in the world. So I have just asked Caro how she wants to be introduced and this is what she said she wants to be the woman with an undefined title, because she is the chief operating officer of everything in her life, and that's how she wanted me to introduce her. So let me just hand over and let her say a little bit about who she is and kind of what she does.

Speaker 2:

Oh, thank you, Charlotte. I love that. I think it was just the fact that I was put on the spot and I thought, gosh, I don't even know who I am myself, so how could I possibly give you a title of what I am, who I am, you know? I don't even have any pronouns. I wouldn't know what they are, which makes me sound super ignorant. But yeah, I love the name of your podcast Becoming Fearless. I am definitely on that journey and I am at the start of it, because I am definitely not fearless. I feel afraid of everything some days. But yeah, lovely that you're doing the podcast. Thank you so much for inviting me on here, charlotte, and yeah, it's a joy to be here.

Speaker 1:

Thank you so let's start first of all a little bit about your first business, because there's been lots of changes Pocket PA. So let people know a little bit about what is Pocket PA and how did it come into the world.

Speaker 2:

So Pocket PA started around seven, eight years ago when my oldest daughter came home one day and said Mom, I want to work for myself. And I was so excited because I've always worked for myself, it seems like the last 30 plus years and so when she uttered those words, I thought, oh my goodness, she was my least entrepreneurial daughter, or so I thought. However, she wanted to be self-employed, and whilst I was super excited about her journey ahead, I was massively concerned about how, at the age of 19, she was actually going to run her business, manage all the stuff, because there is so much business stuff that you don't even begin to think about when you get started and become self-employed. And so, whilst I knew she would be amazing at what she wanted to do in beauty, I was just concerned that by the end of 12 months, she wouldn't have any any sort of organizational stuff that would enable her to do a set of accounts even, which would mean she couldn't stay in business for another 12 months. So, as her mum, I thought that it would be my job to support her on that journey, and so I set about just looking and doing some due diligence, really for a tool that she could use and I was looking around I could find an app for this, an app for that, an app for something else.

Speaker 2:

There were at least 50 that I looked at, but all of them did just one single thing. They were just one strand of what she was busy doing every day. There was lots of accountancy software tools which were all really overbearing. There were CRM systems, there were invoicing apps, receipt banks, there were booking systems, and they were all doing a little bit of the things that she needed. Nothing all in one place with one you know password, one login that joined up all the dots in her business in a super simple way, 19 she would understand, without the jargon and the overwhelm.

Speaker 2:

So when I couldn't find it, um, I just thought well, how hard can that be? I could make that for her, completely naively, ridiculously, thinking that I somehow had a tech degree or some sort of ability to. I've never written a line of code, never planned to, but it just didn't occur to me at that beginning point eight years ago, that I wouldn't be able to make something for her to be able to use. And so began my journey into software, which has been a roller coaster of goodness knows what in that time, and as a mum of four, I've just literally found my way in the dark, just not knowing what I didn't know, but finding out anyway, and made Pocket PA for Megan, which sounds super indulgent. I realised that.

Speaker 2:

But not only is Megan using it, but now quite a lot of other people are, and I love explaining how people can use it to help them run their own business. If they're service-based, working by themselves for themselves, earning under £85,000 or nearly £90,000, the VAT threshold, have no PAYE staff, if they don't get duvet days, if they're not out there working and earning, then effectively Pocket PA may well be able to help them do the heavy lifting in their business, because it helps manage their clients, their appointments, their billing and their accounts all in one place, in colour, because I think business always looks better in colour. That's my view.

Speaker 1:

I love that. I love the way that you said at the beginning I don't feel like I'm becoming fearless. And then, like eight years ago, you decided that you're going to create an app for your daughter while you've got four children and have created it and built it, and now it helps the masses out there. That is like one massive definition of becoming fearless. It's like having an idea and being brave enough and courageous enough to like run with it, which is what you've done.

Speaker 2:

I keep calling it bravery. I think some people might call it stupidity, but I love that we're calling it brave. Yes, let's label it brave.

Speaker 1:

Well, your top says brave as well.

Speaker 2:

Let's just realized I've got on brave bird club clothes today. I've literally got my brave bird pants and my brave t-shirt, which came yesterday.

Speaker 1:

So you're right, brave is the word, let's run with that brave brave is the word, and I want to talk about fear, just briefly, because some people, like you said, like you've just said, some people, uh, have this element, don't they that people will call them stupid or they will call them, like you know, crazy, or we'll call them like quite negative words, when actually I always like to think about well, you're being like way braver than anybody else, because other people may have all of these ideas and all of these thoughts and aren't necessarily brave enough to take that leap, to actually take the next step of what's going to help either get them out of the head or bring them into full life, like you've done with an actual app, I think it's epic.

Speaker 2:

I just I don't like living with regrets and I think that you know, on our deathbed we may spend a lot more time, you know, worrying about the things we didn't do than the things we did do, and I would much rather try and not get anywhere. And, to be honest, pocket PA is one of the best kept secrets because I'm not super organized and great at marketing it. I find that side of it a little bit harder to do. I've loved making it and designing it and bringing it to life, but the actual marketing and sales part of it hasn't particularly been my bag up until this point, which is why it's probably one of the best kept secrets. But I love helping people. That's one of the things that really lights me up. So when I have another Pocket PA user come along and they really find value from it, that makes my heart sing and that reminds me that I've done a good thing and it's great. I love it.

Speaker 1:

So let's do a little bit of the old sales pitch for you on this to people's ears all over the world, because I don't want it to be the best kept secret. Who's it ideally for? Who are the people that be like oh my goodness, this is going to save me time, energy, overwhelm, it's going to really bring everything together. Who are those kind of people that be like? This is going to be like gold dust to me.

Speaker 2:

So obviously my daughter's in the beauty industry and so I know it works absolutely seamlessly for any one person beauty industry workers, whether you're a nail tech, a beautician, a massage therapist, a hairdresser particularly if you're mobile, because we've got lots of practical features like business mileage tracking. But it is a super simple system to be able to input. You become a data entry. You don't need to do your accounts with spreadsheets, which is what is quite overwhelming for a lot of people. So you literally just spend three or five minutes on Pocket PA each day just inputting your data, updating your clients, your appointments, whether you've received a payment, whether you've spent something in your business, and Pocket PA does all the heavy lifting and in the background it's putting everything into a spreadsheet so that it counts time. You press one button and you can send all of your income and all of your expenses to your accountant. But it also keeps you organized in color day to day and gives you that information about every single client at your fingertips. So if you're working by yourself for yourself and you have clients and you make appointments and you offer services, then it's a really sweet spot fit for you. So that could also be tradespeople.

Speaker 2:

My son is an electrician and he uses it every day for tracking his train ticket, for invoicing, sending an invoice, marking a payment in, because he's not particularly organized, unlike Megan, who is super organized. Sam is my blue pocket PA user. Megan is my pink pocket PA user and she uses it end to end. She uses the online booking system, she uses the cashless transactions and is connected to Stripe and Square so she can take card payments without needing a card reader. So she uses all of these end to end things, sends appointment reminders, just like the doctor and the dentist, and it enables her to feel very professional.

Speaker 2:

So anyone that is looking for organization, that's looking for an end to end solution, a business in a box that would be my sweet spot, and we have a 14 day free trial for someone to come in, try all the premium features, give it a go and see if it might help you with your business and if not, then great, good luck on your business journey. But I love seeing people, particularly if they're at the beginning of their business journey. That's what I also love helping people when they're just getting started or they're not sure if they can actually run a business, because you know, anyone can. It's not rocket science. There are just some basic foundations that you need to do and put in place to be able to get on the tracks, and that's what I helped Megan with and that's what I love helping other.

Speaker 1:

I love, love, love. I can't believe this is like the world's best kept secret, because you've just like summarized it and people listening we go, oh my goodness, I need that and I can try it and I can see if it works for me. I can see if it works for my personality, how my brain works and visuals. I can see whether I can roll with it or whether it's not quite what I want. People can try that and I think there's so much in and around the whole concept of fear where people don't feel like they fit in or things don't quite work for them. And when you can offer service that's so comprehensive, like that, and people can try it and feel it and see if it works, then it's just like a win-win. So in the show notes there will be all the information for people to go and have a look at what Pocket PA is, see if it's for you, try it. If it works for you, and then definitely, definitely, please let us know if you try it and it's definitely something that works.

Speaker 1:

I would love, love, love to know, because I know it is so, so powerful. So let's talk about the next exciting venture that you've decided to like become fearless over that. You think that you're not fearless, but you are, like, wildly fearless, and this is something that we spoke about a couple of weeks ago, when we met up at a big event, and like the excitement and the enthusiasm and the passion that our conversation had was just like electric, wasn't it? We were having so much fun, and so I was like Cara, we've got to talk about this as well, so let the world know about your next idea and how that one came about.

Speaker 2:

So this is all about cheer we go. So this is about cheering people on or cheering people up, because I do believe there is not enough sort of supporters and kindness going on in the world right now. I think we're overwhelmed, almost suffocated with media and news, with all of the negative, sensationalist stories where people it just seems to have to notch up a level to even grab people's attention these days, and there is just so much negative media and it's quite depressing. I know a lot of my kids don't put the news on anymore and they look horrified when I am listening to the six o'clock news because they're like mum, why would you want to depress yourself? You're feeding yourself with this negative stuff and they're right in so many respects. But I really want to be part of the new sort of where we talk about great things, good things, kindness, and there is not enough kindness going on in the world.

Speaker 2:

So if we dial back to 2015 and I ran the London marathon and it was like further than I've ever done before, I really wasn't sure if I was going to make it, but I hit the wall at mile 20. I'd done all the training, hit the wall at mile 20, started walking and thought, oh my God, I don't know if I'm going to make any more. You know, reach that finish line. And all I wanted to hear was my kids' voices in my ears. Just go, mom, you've got this, you're amazing. And they'd got me banners and I'd seen them along the way. But in that moment I was all by myself and I thought, oh gosh, I've just got to just imagine what they would be saying to me and those six miles, that extra hour that I ran and walked and puffed along and I just kept hearing what they might be saying. And at the end of it I thought, oh God, I could have really done with their voices.

Speaker 2:

Fast forward to last year and we had a family member who was very critically ill and they were in hospital, deteriorated, went into ITU and the children would visit and then they would go home. And I just thought, gosh, he's so alone in that, you know, over the nights and stuff. And again it came back to me that, you know, he didn't have that connection while we were away and I had been sort of toying with this idea over the last year and hadn't done anything with it and I thought, gosh, I need to do this, I need to make this platform, and so Cheer we Go was born, which is to cheer people on when they're having great things happen and to boost them, but also to cheer people up when they're in darker times, because loneliness is huge. It's growing. We, you know, it seems like we're never more connected with our phones, but we're actually getting more disconnected, and I wanted to find some way of connecting people and I wanted to do it through voice.

Speaker 2:

I think people are very self-conscious when they're on videos. Do I look all right? You know, there's a lot about appearance and there's a lot of pressure on appearance. Do I look all right? Is the lighting okay or no? Take it again. I didn't look great like that.

Speaker 2:

So I was wanting to try and take away this barrier of video which is, you know, very in your face, and I wanted us to use our voices, because we all know that you know if somebody passes away and there's an answer phone message or something and you've got your mum or your dad's voice, you would keep that and cherish that and you would listen back in those moments. And if you just want to hear your mum saying your name or something, some message to really ground you, it's that inner essence of who they are that connects you. So our voices are so powerful and the words that we say are also really powerful. But people talk about taking. You know, take action. You know actions speak louder than words. But what if we could take action with words and use our voices? And this is what I'm trying to bring about with Cheer we Go. So the idea of Cheer we Go is that we use our voice to say kind things and create positive messages to connect ourselves and support people at those times. So with Cheer we Go, we have a platform where you can become the CEO, the chief of everything, organiser for your superhero.

Speaker 2:

So if you were running the London Marathon, charlotte, and you had a mum or a sister or a best friend or a partner that wanted to cheer you on, they would come onto the platform and become the CEO of Charlotte's Marathon and they would create a collection QR code which they would share with the cheer squad, which is all those people that love you your friends, your family or supporters and they would share with the cheer squad, which is all those people that love you your friends, your family, your supporters and they would all be invited to leave a voice note which would, once they've recorded the voice note, it would sync back onto our platform and it would go into your collection. The ceo will reorganize that um the sequence of them. They can record an intro and an outro and then it all gets wrapped up and delivered in a qr code or a link to you just before marathon day for you to download and listen to when you hit that wall you probably wouldn't, but I do. But when you just need it, it's those words of affirmation, your cheer squad, the people that really matter to you, telling you that you really matter. You're their superhero in that moment.

Speaker 2:

And there are so many superheroes that we have all amongst us. They're not often wearing capes. They're often the untold, the amazing people that are doing small things for others on a regular basis and don't get celebrated or appreciated. And I want us to think about supporting those people more, to show them that they matter, to be reaching out. I want us to be sending you know, missing you ones.

Speaker 2:

When people are abroad, when they're traveling, when they're far away, you know a group of friends can record you know, a missing you cheer we go to send to that person to make them be reminded and feel connected to people. Back home we're doing thank you cheer we goes. So, for example, a school teacher at the end of term, what do you get that teacher? You know? Another bottle of wine, another bunch of flowers. We could do a cheer we go for all the children in the class and the parents can record a thank you message to that teacher, wrap it all up in that one collection and give it to the teacher to say thank you so much. You are amazing. How, goodness, how have you managed to? You know you've moved Billy's writing on or reading on or spelling on this year. Thank you so much.

Speaker 2:

And this incident happened. What about for Father's Day? For Mother's Day, you know, kids can record their appreciation and that parent, that parent, that father, that mum, that person that seems to have everything they haven't got everything until they've got a cheer we go, because that's a collection of people that have taken time out of their day to let that person know, with words of affirmation, that they really matter. And I just think the world needs more of this kindness and connection and support going on. And that's what's driven me to make Cheer we Go. And it's been a journey already. We're only eight months into it, but it's going to be alive and well and kicking and ready for other people to use shortly, hopefully.

Speaker 1:

So I just absolutely adore it on so, so many levels. I know when we spoke about it I was like this is just like next level. So let me just break down a little bit of why this is so powerful. So in positive psychology it's proven that sharing kindness, sharing support, lifting other people up the whole science of happiness is like beyond powerful. It's proven in many, many studies.

Speaker 1:

There's lots of research around the knock-on effect of kindness and sharing that and letting people know how you feel about them, and there's no way near enough of it. I totally agree with you, caro. There's no way near enough of this kind of kindness and sharing in a really supportive way and lifting people up when they're at times where life is tough. Whether it's like you say, whether it's I've run the London Marathon, I hit the wall, I get what it was like and people do. Whether it's on an achievement base, like that some people have trained for something that they will hit some sort of barrier, or whether it's more that people's physical health isn't quite as they would like it to be and there's a low point in their life in that way. What and all of the spectrum in between, this whole cheer we go and cheer we up. Is it cheer you up? All of that is just so.

Speaker 2:

Cheering you up, yeah, cheering you on cheering you up the thing about the marketing is, obviously I want to be, you know, over exuberant and super excited for the cheering on, but we, I want to also be sensitive, because some people just need cheering up and that's a little bit more serious because they might have a, you know, a terminal illness or be critically ill in hospital. You know we've got lots and lots of children that are in hospital sort of long term. How amazing would it be if the children in the class all recorded a message to cheer them on or cheer them up that they can listen to again and again. Because what I talk about with Cheer we Go it's like a cuddle you can listen to again and again and again. It's like putting a blanket on and hearing those words of affirmation. And I try and encourage people that are recording the Cheer we we go.

Speaker 2:

Don't have a pre-rehearsed script, just go into it, be yourself. You know you don't need to make it perfect. It's the bloopers, it's the, it's the bits where you get it wrong and go oh, I didn't mean to say that, sorry. Like dad, jokes are welcome. You know those cringe moments when you go oh, my god, he's back off telling those awful jokes again. But those are the things that make us smile, because that's relatable, that's that person. So show a bit of your personality. Don't make it perfect first time, because it doesn't need to be. We're all imperfectly perfect and it's about just showing up as the real you and connecting with people with a voice note that can be listened to, and not just one voice note, because anybody can leave a voice note for somebody, but it's a collection of the power of this collective voice note. So it could be you know one, three, five, a hundred.

Speaker 2:

We're doing wedding cheer. We goes for people and the you know the newly married couple can listen to it on their honeymoon and hear all of those stories of how you know, they know each other's partner and stuff, because not everybody can always make it to a wedding. There's just so many reasons that we could do a Cheer. We Go for people going into nursing homes or people that are more elderly, that need to be reconnected with family, that don't have many visitors. How amazing would that be. And you know all the unsung heroes in hospitals and people working in hospitals and people in those vocational jobs where they're doing amazing jobs and they're often not recognised. This is a really nice way to say thank you and we notice you, we appreciate you and we see you, because people want to be seen, they want to be heard and they want to feel understood and I feel that this goes a small way, in some aspect, to be able to contribute to doing that. And yeah, that's just what's motivated me to do it.

Speaker 1:

I just love it on so many levels, like that duality, that you've explained that whole aspects of people's lives, and I think most people will go through this. They will have times in their life where they feel incredibly lonely for a number of reasons, where this package would massively support them, and people may be unaware of the impact that it actually has for so many people. And I think this is what I find the most. One of the most, it's the ripple effect of this actual work, because it's longevity, the sustainability, the impact from heart to heart that people will have receiving it, the knock-on effect that people do when they're giving it. It's just like a whole bundle of awesomeness that I just really, really love. So what are the kind of timescales? Is it going to come out this year 2025? Is it watch this space? It it going to come out this year 2025?

Speaker 2:

what is it? Watch this space. This year I'm putting my my neck on the line here. It's got to be this year.

Speaker 2:

We've got a small wait list on our cheerwegocom website, so if you are interested in something like this, come and sign up for our wait list. If the wait list button isn't there, it means it's out there and it's live, and I will be so excited, but it's. There's nothing to download because it's on a platform, so there's not going to be anything in the apple or the google play store to download. We're not doing that at the moment. It's a web app, but you will be able to get started and you can do a free cheer we go. I don't want cost to be a barrier, so anybody that's got up to five people or up to five minutes can have a free cheer we go. And then we've got a really affordable pricing structure. If you want to have 20 people included in the final message, it's £20, up to 50 is £50 and up to 100, like a big wedding event type thing will be 100. So it's literally a pound a person. And yes, you could record voice notes individually. But it's the organisation and it's the fact that they're getting something all collectively all wrapped up and packaged and delivered to them to know that they're really special. So I'm hoping it's going to be this year and definitely come and find us.

Speaker 2:

We've got a very small Instagram account at the moment, but we've got a lovely website. That's, I think, explaining what we do, and there's lots of different categories. We've got 18 different categories that I've thought of of different reasons why we could cheer people on or cheer people up. I'm loving the storytelling one. That's been really well received. So a grandparent or a parent that works away can record a story or a collection of stories for their grandchild or their child and then they can deliver it along and the child can listen and hear their grandparent's voice and it's a keepsake for that child to have grandma or granddad's voice or that parent's voice forever and ever, to be having them reading their story because they can be somewhere else and reading along, and having a story that's read by an absent grandparent because of the distance and miles and stuff. So, yeah, lots of different.

Speaker 2:

Here we go ideas and I'm sure other people will suggest more that we can put into our category selection, but I want it to be something that is out there for everyone to use and, um, you know, I I heard somewhere about the immune system is lowered and compromised when people feel lonely and people. You know, I want us to try and connect people more. We shouldn't be disadvantaged because we're feeling lonely. Um, you know, these are things that in the 21st century. I know there was a loneliness minister wasn't there in cabinet, but they've removed the position now since COVID has finished. Do they not think we're lonely anymore? There are loads of lonely people out there still and we need to be mindful of.

Speaker 2:

They're not always obvious. You know people that feel lonely, often feel like a loser. I felt lonely sometimes and you just feel like you're on the outside looking in. And how amazing would it be to either be part of a collection, be part of someone's cheer squad to cheer someone else on or to receive, you know, a cheer we go Because you know that feeling that people do really care about you and that you matter. And I love the. You know the feedback that we've had from people that have been asked to organise the Cheer we Go. They feel lit up because they're in charge of something that's so nice and people are like, oh, that's so kind of you and they get that affirmation back that that was so kind of you to make the Cheer we Go for that superhero. So it's like a win-win.

Speaker 1:

There's something for everyone to do good about contributing to that kindness message and, yeah, more kindness, that's what I'm saying yeah, more kindness, more bravery, more courage for people who are thinking about doing like for some people. If they want to send something for some people, there will be fears coming up around. You know, like you said, what am I going to say? And your message is always about just being themselves. The message that I always share, like nothing is more potent and more impactful than you just speaking from your heart about how you feel about the person or whatever it is that you want to share.

Speaker 1:

It makes such an impact to connect with people on a personal level and the energy of this whole collective. Imagine then having in your ears this person sent me this from their heart. This person sent me this from their heart. Now this person, and then we have the opportunity to keep listening and listening. It's just like the ripple effect is just fabulous, so I'm excited to see that come to the world. So the last question that I ask all of my guests and I have loved talking to you about various things today and we could talk for ages, and I would love to have you back on when it's all up and running and we can talk about how successful it's been, because probably by then you'll have another idea that you're running with what's your most impactful book, or a book that you can let the readers know that you've read or spent some time looking at. That's helped you on your journey, because you are really inspirational on multiple levels oh, thank you Charlotte.

Speaker 2:

well, this was easy for me. So it is this book here, this book Atomic Habits by James Clear, and oh, you can see it's a bit dogged and loads of underlinings and all the rest of it in here. But I just think on the front page it just says tiny changes, remarkable results. And I think all the times when I've been making my Pocket PA platform, my Cheer we Go software, all I can think of is it's a massive mountain that you're needing to climb, but don't focus on that summit when you're right at the beginning or you're in amongst the weeds. It's about the small things that you do each and every day that will be making huge impact. It's not about the big grand jumps that you do or whatever. It's about those small things.

Speaker 2:

And when I talk about using Pocket PA and showing up in your business, it's the magic is in the mundane. It's in those small things that you do each and every day that take you closer. And whether you do one or two of those things each day or each week, or whether you do five or six or ten, you're always taking those baby steps towards your final goal and you just need to keep taking steps forwards, or sometimes just pausing and not realizing. You know, realizing that, you know just taking breath is enough, and sometimes we do take a couple of steps back, but just keep taking small steps, because tiny changes, remarkable results and, yeah, it's an easy and proven way to build good habits and break bad ones. So I love this book by James Clear and it's a global bestseller for a reason, and it's definitely one of my go-to books.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's one of my favorite books as well. It is a phenomenal book, so that will be in the show notes as well for people to go and have a look at that. Um, and what carol said is exactly this exactly, um, summarizing like her journey, you wouldn't been able to bring like, not one platform, but two platforms out into the world out of your head. Learn all the tech, learn all the how to really wrap up your passion and bring it out in this new whole venture that you're bringing to the world, if you haven't taken tiny micro moments every single day that build up to your confidence, your self-belief, your fearlessness that you don't think you have, which hopefully you can see that you have now, your fearlessness that you don't think you have, which hopefully you can see that you have now and your bravery, ultimately, to keep going and keep allowing yourself to front this kind of like campaign as to what you're doing. So I have loved.

Speaker 2:

Another thing about that, charlotte, is most people don't see you taking those small steps, so they're not even acknowledged or noticed. And that sometimes can be really. You know, oh my goodness, I've done this today and I've done that today and nobody's noticed, nobody's seen, and you're not getting that affirmation of you know you're doing well or whatever. But you know, that's the thing about trying to be fearless. You're doing these things without acknowledgement or being noticed and they're often in the dark and nobody notices and you feel that's frustrating because I've done something amazing today but nobody's seen it. But it's about doing it anyway and carrying on, and that's real bravery and fearlessness just digging deep and carrying on, I think.

Speaker 1:

Exactly, I 100% agree and that's a great valid point, a great point to finish on. So all of the show notes and everything will be below for you to see how you can get hold of Caro, how you can try Pocket PA, how you can get on the wait list, or whether it's live and go in the whole cheer we go and cheer us up whole platform place. Thank you so so much for being on. I have loved, loved, loved chatting with you. I'm excited about the future. I'm excited about watching this being birthed into the world and watching you shine in your brilliance. I have really, really loved it. Thank you, shana. Thanks ever so much. Take care and tune into the next episode and I will see you there. Thank you for tuning into this week's episode. I hope that you're feeling energized, fearless and inspired to take action today to stand in your greatness.

Speaker 1:

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