Becoming Fearless

20. Activate Your Power With Positive Psychology with Niyc Pidgeon

Charlotte Carter

In this episode I interview Niyc Pidgeon, a positive psychologist, about the power of positive psychology and its impact on personal growth and success.

We chat about the importance of mindset, the role of fear in personal development, and the benefits of incorporating positive psychology into daily life.

Niyc shares her journey into positive psychology and how it has transformed her life and the lives of her clients. She talks about her own leap from Newcastle to the glitz of Los Angeles, her career to date, and how her PROMISE framework can revolutionize your approach to growth, self-belief, and consistent action against the tides of fear.

They also discuss the Positive Psychology Coach Academy (PPCA) and its comprehensive framework for integrating positive psychology into coaching practices. I was in the first cohort of 20 back in 2021 and the science is woven into all of my coaching offers.


Free book:
Positive Psychology Coach Academy Certification:

Niyc's book recommendation: You Squared by Price Pritchett



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Speaker 1:

Welcome to Becoming Fearless, the personal growth podcast for you if you are ready to overcome fear and step into your greatness. Our purpose is to help you overcome your limits, have loads of fun along the way, unlocking your fullest potential in life, business, health and relationships every single day. I'm your host, charlotte Carter, a high performance coach and entrepreneur with over 20 years experience. I'm your host, charlotte Carter, a high-performance coach and entrepreneur with over 20 years experience. I've supported many highly driven, talented people like you who dream big and are ready to take action to overcome what's holding them back. Each week, my guests and I will be sharing hacks and habits on how to build self-belief, courage and confidence, to master your mindset and navigate your emotions so that you can reach your human potential in a way that feels light, fun and easeful and helps you become fearless. Let's go.

Speaker 1:

Hello and welcome to another episode of Becoming Fearless. This is a guest episode and I am like mega excited beyond excited about having this conversation with this particular guest, as I am with all my guests. But I want to just take you back in time to when I first met this guest. We're probably talking something like November 2020. And she came in and spoke as a guest expert in a mastermind that I was in with the fabulous Lisa Johnson and Jade Gemma and I was like I need to be in this woman's space, I need to learn more, I need to jump on board, and that was kind of my first introduction to this guest, and the rest I'm sure we will cover on this episode. But first of all let me introduce you to the wonderful, wonderful Nick Pidgeon.

Speaker 2:

Hello, I'm so excited to be here. I can't believe it's that long. This is wild.

Speaker 1:

I know I was thinking about that and it was yeah, it is that long ago, because then I jumped into your mastermind and then I jumped into um positive psychology first cohort ever yeah, which was what 2021, right 2021?

Speaker 2:

or 2022, 2022.

Speaker 1:

I love summer 2022 the adventure yeah and um, that's what we're going to talk about. But let's talk first of all. Let people know a little bit about you, nick, because some of my audience may be like I don't even know Nick. I just assume lots of people know Nick, but you know, some people might not have heard of you yet.

Speaker 2:

So I'm originally from Newcastle, so from the UK, and I've lived across in the Los Angeles in America, in the States, for almost a decade now, which feels as well like a long time. My background is in positive psychology, which is the science of happiness and how we as people and in community and as businesses and organizations, can really thrive and live our best life. So I've been in positive psychology for goodness almost 20 years now, since I very, very started back in university and I've been running my sales and marketing business masterminds for seven years now. I've been working as a coach. I've been building online businesses for almost 15 years now, so I feel like that is showing my age.

Speaker 1:

So Nick has a wonderful ability, a really wonderful ability to meet people where they're at. So when I first came into Nick's world it was like I say, I watched her on this guest expert. Then I was like I need to come in. And I came into her unstoppable success mastermind at the time and I was like the most frightened person ever in that space. I was like what have I done? I've gone into this space where there's all these really powerful women and I'm just getting going and who the hell am I? And all of the fear came in massively. And Nick was there, like she is today going hey, let me know what you want to do, how can I help? And it was just like, okay, nick, I've got to like readjust that. You're just like this normal person that we could just have this conversation with.

Speaker 2:

And I think I saw straight away at that stage, as a client and now as a friend, that ability that you have to meet people, no matter where they are, especially in relation to fear well, thank you for that and thank you for the way that you have always shown up, charlotte, because what, like I didn't necessarily fully know that fear, I feel like I see you as your highest version and your highest power and potential and you've always been amazing at implementing.

Speaker 2:

So, even though you scared, you've always been amazing at doing it anyway. So you're like the I mean the name of the your show is so perfect because it encapsulates the essence of how you show up and I think even though, though, like, I can really see for you just how possible it is for you to create the results that you want. So I never had the fear. So I feel like when we're in that kind of mentor student relationship, you almost borrow the belief and then you just went away and you just got it done, and then you came back and you're like here, here you go, nick, here's what I've done. I'm like okay, cool, let's go, let's keep going.

Speaker 1:

It was. It was a gorgeous, gorgeous ride of lots and lots of different things, wasn't it? But what's? Let's come back to positive psychology and why you first got into it, like, however, many years ago. What first appealed to you when it was first coming out? Really, what was the biggest attraction for you? I love that word. Like appealed to you when it was first coming out. Really, what was the biggest attraction for you?

Speaker 2:

I love that word like appealed. I feel like we don't use that word enough. You know what I'm like with my words, my copy and my vocabulary what appealed to me, okay, was the power of it.

Speaker 2:

so I did not study psychology at high school or university. I was a maths, physics, economics, like. I was very kind of in the practical realm. So I thought that psychology was too much kind of like thinking and it was like this airy fairy thing which it's not. It's a science as well. So I was supposed to study engineering and I'd got a couple of scholarships to go to university to do that when I was 17, 18.

Speaker 2:

And I look back now, charlotte, and I just think how are kids supposed to know what they want to do at that age? I was at dinner with my friends from Newcastle the other night who were here in America and they had their one of their daughters and her friend with them and they're 15 and we're talking about what you want to do as a career for the rest of your life. I'm like, don't worry, you don't have to know right now. So I think it's a real lesson. Looking back in listening to that thing that did appeal to me because it was the ability for us to completely shift our behavior just by one shift in perspective. And that's what I love about psychology is it doesn't have to be this massive, massive hard work or take loads of time to get a result. It can literally be one shift or one change in a moment that can completely change the way that you think and you feel.

Speaker 2:

So I had a conversation with my ex-partner who he was my boyfriend when I was from 17 to kind of 27-ish, and he'd had a conversation with a sports psychologist. And you've heard me tell this story and it's still as powerful now as it was then because it's a reminder and I feel like we grow and evolve so much that we get the same lesson but we've changed, so the lesson hits different. So it was a conversation and his psychologist had said when you're going to go and he was a cricket player when you're going to go on the field and you've got the bat in your hand, look around the field, but don't look at the fielders who are there trying to catch the ball. Look for the gaps in between them instead. So that made me completely change my career path, because I then started to look at and I started to have more of an awareness around our power when we look for opportunities instead of focusing on obstacles and I love that story.

Speaker 1:

I remember when you first said it and I got all of the tingles. I was like, oh my god, this is so exciting. I'm gonna look for the gaps. I really remember going. I'm gonna look for the gaps, which is literally what becoming fearless is.

Speaker 1:

It's a gap in lots of different ways to meet people where they're at. The people that are, you know, aren't aware of actually what it's like to be on that cricket pitch watching or anything. They're just brand new to it. Their awareness is just not there.

Speaker 1:

So one of the things that I really love about positive psychology is the whole perspectives, and when I talk about high performance and work with all the elite people that I do, we're talking about micro refinements, we're talking about very minute changes that make the world of difference, and I think with positive psychology you can have one of the tools that's going to make one micro change in your day, in your habits, in the way that you hold yourself and carry yourself energetically, and it's going to going to change so, so much.

Speaker 1:

And that's one of the beautiful blends of why I then came into your mastermind. Then I was like, oh, my goodness, nick's got this new thing now and I have to be in it because it lends itself so closely with high performance and so closely with kind of the journey that I'd been on after doing psychology, after doing health, after doing all the things that I'd done and working in this way that I had. It was like this is the science that I'd been looking for, because it has that depth that I don't think people initially are aware of.

Speaker 2:

And you know so many people say the same thing. They're like I've been searching for this thing for so long. And when they find positive psychology, it's almost like a coming home or it's a remembering, because, whilst it's a study and it's a science and we look at what's strong with people and how you can get a client breakthrough and how you can get results in your life, ultimately it's the science of yourself. So it's like you get to. You know what it's like. You get to know yourself on a level like and in a way like never before. So now you're like best friends with yourself and you know exactly what your values are. You know exactly what you're good at, you know exactly how you show up to get the best and maximize your life experience and then from that place you can run your business and you can run your life and run your house and do all of the things. So I think that when people find positive psychology, it's almost like a permission slip to finally be yourself again yeah, it totally is.

Speaker 1:

And I remember for me and I there were so many parts when we were training. So, um, just to give you a flavor when you train, or when I train, it might have changed slightly in a couple of years since Nick's been running it, but you're in a triad and so you all train together and you listen and you're like in this threesome where one's the coach, one's the client, one's the observer and you go through all the tools and techniques and then you're assessed and other things as well. But that's's kind of the flavor. And I remember very, very clearly I was with one of my great friends, judith, who has already done an episode on here. She was in there, as was Ali, who's also coming on to do an episode, and we were talking about accomplishment.

Speaker 1:

Now, my journey, as I've been open and honest in becoming fearless, has always been about not feeling good enough and feeling like, you know, I've got all this energy and I've got to keep quiet and I don't fit in the box and all of those kinds of things. And we got to accomplishment and Judith was like okay, so what do you want to accomplish? And I'm like well, I want to like, I don't just want to do like a normal 5k or I don't just want to do a starter, I want to do the marathon, I want to do the multi-marathon. And she challenged me and she's like why does it always have to be the bigger, better version of that accomplishment? Why can't you just settle with whatever it is that actually would be more achievable in a short space? And it really really triggered me. I was like no, this is who I am. I'm the person that does like the hardest thing. And actually the reflection was I don't always need to do the hardest thing. There are elements where I'm definitely in that accomplishment and it's a big drive and it's a big part of me, like all the obstacle courses that I do.

Speaker 1:

But the biggest reflection for me in accomplishment it's got to be my favorite pillar was tune into yourself. Why is? Why are you being like triggered or you, you know, emotionally challenged whatever word we want to use why are you being defensive around somebody just challenging you about the way that you've done things, because you've done them for so long? And it was like a real awareness. And then it's like, okay, I need to look at how this has shown up in all the other areas of my life Because we were just talking about sport and exercise, like, oh it, it's shown up in my business, it's shown up in the fact that I hesitated to write a book because I was just the chapter and I didn't.

Speaker 1:

I wanted to be the full author. And all of these steps that I turned down because I wanted the biggest, you know the most, the biggest transformation, rather than actually accepting that some of these smaller parts are part of the journey to get to whatever the biggest is. And actually, when you're on the journey, the biggest isn't what you want to go for. The biggest is in the small detail and the small steps, and that's why I love accomplishment.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and that's you just illustrated so perfectly growth mindset. So it's that defensiveness, it's the indicator of when you're going into a fixed mindset and then you and Judith were able to see, oh, actually there's so much more that you get to enjoy in your life's experience, where you're not forcing things so much, but also when you're not beating yourself up so much, because in the forcing it's like I've got to do it this way, because I need that outcome, and it's like, well, actually, what about if I just enjoyed my day and I looked at the done list rather than the to-do list, and I really recognize who I'm being and how I'm growing through the process too, and I think it's really a lesson for modern day society as well Like I feel like it's a win. When I sit on my sofa, I'm like, oh, my goodness, I sat down. This is amazing, I'm proud of me and I'm going to celebrate it.

Speaker 1:

I'm proud of you. Thank you, yeah, I think. Do you want to just touch on the other pillars so that if people are listening because I know obviously the cohorts are available people can sign up to PodPsych. That's just one. Well, I'll let Nick share what else there is for people to get an idea of the depth of it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. So when positive psychology was born, the main researchers in the field, so Martin Seligman essentially invented the science and he developed a framework called PERMA, so P-E-R-M-A, which has since been extended to include an H on the end. So when we developed the Positive Psychology Coach Academy certification, a lot of this stuff happens in the shower. So I'm thinking about what framework I can use and what the problems were in positive psychology, and I actually had the problem myself in the first place, where I looked at okay, so you can conceptually learn the science of positive psychology from the journal articles and the research. And I studied at university for five years. I know you've done a lot of study as well, but I still had this big gap between the work that I'd conceptually and intellectually learned and then what I was doing in my businesses. So I've got this 15 year experience in coaching, in online business and in positive psychology and I thought how on earth do these things all integrate together? And it was only after I'd done more than 5,000 hours of coaching and made and helped others make more than multiple eight figures in revenues that it finally clicked for me. Okay, so I was able to develop this framework called the Promise, which is the positive, results oriented method of integrating the science effectively, and it follows a three step process of learning but then also embodying the work for yourself. So practicing the tools, like really really feeling and understanding and noticing the subtleties and the nuances and how it feels for you, and then going to integrate them into your life and business. So so many of us skip the middle step, which is the embodiment, and this is why so many coaches in business are learning stuff on the internet and then they're trying to go and teach it and sell it, but and then they feel unconfident, they're not certain, they're scared of in case they're not going to get results. It's because the work hasn't been done in and on and for yourself first. So the framework that we developed is an end-to-end system that allows you to get the coaching mastery tools, first of all in the first section of the certification. It then teaches you the background and the science of wellbeing, gives you the framework, and then the last section is you're actually working through the framework and you are.

Speaker 2:

We essentially shuffled it because we had so much experience of running programs and people saying to me well, nick, I loved session eight and I've had such a big breakthrough in that and then by the time we're at session eight, we're like almost finished the coaching together.

Speaker 2:

So in my programs previously, session eight was strength and engagement.

Speaker 2:

So what we actually did, as you know, is we moved strength and engagement right up front, because everybody knows, everybody has something that they're good at, but they don't necessarily know what it is.

Speaker 2:

So we're moving through this promise framework so you get to test the modality of positive psychology, use the interventions, go and practice them in your pods and then you think to yourself, well, how is this going to work for me and my business? So you get the opportunity to really mastermind and consider how you're going to integrate it for you and your ideal client, because there's a lot of people who are like you, charlotte, who are really expert in a lot of things, and positive psychology helps tie it together and it helps you to really see how can I do all of these things in a way that feels simple and concise. We also have brand new coaches or HR managers or barristers who have never done coaching, have never done positive psychology before, and they just take it and use the framework exactly as it is, but the point is it gets breakthroughs and results in you first, and then it gets your clients breakthroughs and then you grow your business because of that and I think, one of the one of the greatest parts.

Speaker 1:

And thanks for all of that detail, because I've forgotten all of that.

Speaker 1:

I'm like right, I'm just like I'm talking to Nick about positive psychology, the um. One of the greatest parts of the whole thing is it's it's like threaded with well-being. So ultimately, as you move through it I mean my background's in that but I noticed with the people that I was in they're actually getting themselves feeling a lot better. So by the end of the program they're starting to feel better. They've integrated the stuff and then once they start looking at their business, because they're feeling in a completely different place than when they started, everything drops in and they want to or they prioritize more time for themselves, more time for their health, more time for stillness, movement, all of the things that I teach. But they also prioritize this growth piece because they're like, hey, I've embodied this, but you also know that this bit isn't going to be my embodiment forever. We're forever changing, we're forever growing. So I factor in like Fridays is growth day. We don't do any coaching, it's just for me.

Speaker 1:

I do my all of my learning then and I built that into the model. I think that's one of the beautiful things you learn how to adapt what's going to work for you and how you build it into how you manage your business and then what your business model is going to look like. I've tried and tested everything since I did pod psych because I was like I like a bit of this, I like a bit of this. I know I love variety and that's what I thrive on, but it doesn't need to be variety all at hyper speed. It's part of finding what's the pattern and what's the flow and where's the depth, which is something that I really, really love about pod psych. So I'm going to ask you a juicy question. Go on, hit me. I'm going to ask you what's your most impactful positive psychology intervention?

Speaker 2:

I know they all are, but for you personally, when you went, for you as an individual, for me it's the and this is why I teach it whenever I do a masterclass or a webinar. It's the legacy intervention. So you know the gravestone exercise, where you imagine your life, at the end of your life, and you imagine what people are saying about you, what's written on your gravestone, what people are sharing in your obituary. That was a real landslide moment for me and I think it comes from what I want to create in my life, but it also comes from what I'm scared of happening if I don't do that. So one of my greatest fears is that I have unfulfilled potential and that I become the girl that everyone's like oh well, whatever happened to her, like she had so much going for her, but whatever happened.

Speaker 2:

So that really that exercise. It really opens up different visions that you don't actually think would be important for you. So one of the things that came through for me was that I was traveling the world and I'm taking my friends and my family and my grandkids with me for these amazing quality time experiences on vacations and beautiful places, and I was like whoa, I'm a grandma, okay, cool. So it really helps you to tap into that vision and, like you say, there's a million different interventions that I love and I use in my day. But that's something that I think, because of how connected it gets you to your meaning and your mission and your purpose and your vision, and it feels very tender. So you know, in that pillar of the promise, everybody cries. So disclaimer you're probably going to cry when you come into PPCA, yeah, I think you're 100 gonna cry at some point.

Speaker 1:

I, I, I love that. Um, I love that intervention in a slightly different way. So I love it because I always talk about tomorrow's not guaranteed and some of the fears that people have are really, like you know, debilitating. I never, ever, take that away from anybody who's experiencing mind and body and emotional fear. That's really really tough at the time that they're in that moment. But actually when you think about the whole tomorrow's not guaranteed, you know what's the worst that's going to happen.

Speaker 1:

Let's talk through the actual forward pacing as to what's the actual. What are you really scared of? Because it's not what's going on. What's the next bit of the next bit of the next bit of you being scared and who are you afraid to tell? And all of those kinds of conversations with people. And then we step into okay, now there's the potential of everything and anything's possible, and I talk about opening up to limitless success. And how do we step into that? And people's energy expands, their possibility expands and fear shrinks. They learn to walk with the fear and they step into this different version where they're like hell, yes, I'm just going for it. And they turn into this action taker, that was always there. But fear for so many people. I talk about it pausing their potential. It freezes them and they can't move. They can't. There's something so gripping within it that they can't seem to move through, and that kind of intervention just allows you to look through a completely different lens it's so powerful, right, and I think it's like positive psychology.

Speaker 2:

you just gave me a visual of like it activating people's power and getting them to show up as like the fullest, most embodied version of themselves, and I just saw it like a little positive army in my mind, like going out in the world fearlessly, using the tools and doing the work, and it's like from that place, what kind of a world can we create for future generations to come? So it's like we're doing the work on and for ourselves and we're supporting our clients through our coaching, but then that ripple effect goes out and it supports their kids in the home or it supports their kids kids because now their kids are showing up and using positive psychology tools. And I just think that the potential for the world because of us activating our own potential is something that is really worth fighting for.

Speaker 1:

For certain, and I think there's a piece around this like easiness and happiness. So a lot of my clients listening to this, who are all over the world which is very exciting about me, clients listening to this who are all over the world, which is very exciting about me being in the ears of people all over the world there's this whole concept of things being hard. It's a struggle. You know there might be in the hustle mindset and what I can honestly say, hand on heart, in terms of when I've embodied positive psychology, is there's micro breakthroughs that lead to this sense of ease, the sense of feeling easeful.

Speaker 1:

So then, when you approach different things in your life, you look at how easy can it be, how can I get to this path with the most joy and with the most ease? And when you can change your perspective on being in fear and being able to go. Actually, how can I do this just a little bit different? How can I take just one bit of action today? How can I move forward in a very different way Over time? The momentum and the compounding effect is just so phenomenal that within three months, six months, 12 months, you're very, very different and the ripple effect is just gorgeous, absolutely gorgeous, and it just fills my heart that ripple effect.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and I really live by that idea of compounding positive daily choices, like it really helps you to show up in a very different way, because I think there can be a lot of apathy or what is the point if it's going to be so hard to get to the destination. But you go back to the conversation that you had with Judith and it's like it's actually about the micro moves that we make daily, that then to have that snowball effect. So it's the tiny, tiny, tiny little decisions and choices. It's like should I do the intervention or not do the intervention? Should I practice gratitude or not practice gratitude? Should I do the breath work or not do the breath work?

Speaker 2:

It's like if you do the thing that takes you three minutes, you're exercising that muscle within yourself. It's a discipline, it's the motivation and you're actually boosting your confidence because of that. So now you become a stronger person because you do the good thing for yourself. You know that you feel better because of it and you're showing that you're a person that does what they say they're going to do. So that expands and it's called a transfer of confidence. In psychology it actually goes into different areas of your life. So let's say you and I make a commitment and we're like, okay, we're going to be accountability buddies and we're going to do a gratitude rampage every day. Now we're like, yeah, we did it. Every day we feel really good and we go into the boardroom or we go for the job interview or we have that hard conversation with our partner that we've been putting off for so long and we're able to do the thing because we did the thing in our daily life first, I love that, Nick.

Speaker 1:

I love that. What a way to summarize all of that. I love it. So how do people find out about positive psychology and PPCA? What's the best way for people to get in touch with you? If they're listening, they're like oh my goodness, I'd love more information on this.

Speaker 2:

Well, let's put the links underneath the show. I think that would be the easiest thing. I guess they can reach out to you. They can reach out to me.

Speaker 2:

It's all of the info is also on my website as well, at nickpigeoncom, and I just want to make sure that everybody who is listening to the podcast make sure that when you come and find me and you come be a PPCA, you tell me about this podcast and you're like I heard you first on Charlotte's show and I love the conversation, because I think it's such a beautiful, energetic bouncing off point for us to have this conversation today and to be able to really spark something in someone, because we've all been there, we've all listened to someone's show and we're like whoa, that one thing really landed and it's just like me with the story about the cricket that changed the trajectory of my life.

Speaker 2:

So my invitation for everyone that's listening is go give Charlotte a thank you If there's something that landed from this episode that is helping you to gain a new perspective and change the trajectory of your life, whether it's positive psychology or not positive psychology. So, yeah, we'll put the links into the show notes and you can come and join us. It's instant access. You get to dive into the curriculum and get that dopamine hit and get started straight away. And then we run the live cohorts twice per year awesome.

Speaker 1:

All of those details, like nick said, will be underneath um show notes like normal. So, and nick is coming on for another episode. It's a very different episode, so watch out. If you love this chat with nick, I'm sure I'll get her on again next year. We're getting on again later on in the year to talk about a very, very different topic and it's really going to be uh, really interesting for people who've listened to this to definitely tune in to that next episode from nick. So the last question that I ask everyone well, two questions actually. First of all, let's talk about your book that you've got published now, um, which um I've also got, and then let's talk about the um book that I ask everybody. What's a book that's impacted your life um so far today, or what's one of the books from your big bookcase that you've read that you can share?

Speaker 2:

So thank you as well. So this little book is it got named the Bible for Happiness. So even though this book came out so long ago Charlotte, this came out before we even knew each other. It came out in 2017 and it's a tool book and it's got a tool or intervention every day for 30 days from positive psychology, and I can give you the link for your community as well, to grab the free copy of it. You just pay like I think it's 295 for the shipping.

Speaker 2:

So this I love it because it's so simple to make a start. So it doesn't matter whether you're feeling good and you want to feel great or whether you're having tough days right now. Just flick to a page and you can use it almost like you know an Oracle card deck and just get one exercise and get a positivity boost and go on with your day. Or some people have done book clubs and they've done a full 30 day challenge with this guide, so it's to help you live your happiest life. So that is my first book. Then, the next book that I'm writing is a positive psychology informed guide for mental health and suicide prevention. So it takes the journey a little bit deeper In terms of the book that has changed my life. Ok, so I'm a Gemini and I've got the book that I told you about, but it's actually a two-part series, so I grabbed them both off my bookshelf.

Speaker 2:

So this book you squared, you can see. Look how small it is for those of you that are watching, it's like not very many pages at all. It's like 30 pages or something. You can read it in an hour or two hours. It's stapled, it's so small, right, who's it by? It's by price pritchett, okay and you can get it on amazon and it is a game changer. You will feel a shift in the two hours that it takes you to read it. Now the follow-up book by the same guy, also stable, also very short and easy to read, is called the Quantum Leap Strategy. Now, these two books together will change your life and I'm so excited to be having this conversation and that you asked the question, because literal game changers they so simple, they shift the way that you think. And then this one's the. It's got a exercise or practicing that you can do for yourself to kind of put the mindset that you get in you squared into action in your life. So this is my gift to you the recommendation.

Speaker 1:

So I will put both those links in there, where I'm like obviously gonna stop recording this and then go and get both those books and probably read them tonight, because that's just who I am. I haven't heard of them at all. I am so, so grateful for like us hanging out together and this time that we've spent, and you giving up some of your time to come on Becoming Fearless, because I know my listeners will just love it and take a lot from the fact. Everything that you've shared, but also the relationship that you and I have based on, you know, love and friendship and mutual respect, which I just love having you on. So thank you so, so much thank you so much.

Speaker 2:

It's honestly, it's a privilege to be here and I'm very, very grateful for our relationship, and I just love seeing you out in the world being fearless and doing everything that you do, smashing your own limits and helping so many people too. So thank you thank you, nick.

Speaker 1:

So tune in to this episode and more coming from like the Charlotte and Nick show that we're going to create obviously about what's coming out soon and look at the links because, like I have, or reach out, I've personally been in Nick's world in the high-level mastermind and also in positive psychology PPCA, so I've been on both sides. I totally recommend them. So either reach out via the links for nick or by myself if you want any conversations, but I highly recommend that. So take care. Thanks ever so much for tuning in, guys, and I will see you on the next episode. Thank you for tuning into this week's episode.

Speaker 1:

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