Becoming Fearless

23. Positive Energy: Tap Into Your Desires

Charlotte Carter

What if understanding your deepest desires could unlock your fullest potential?

How does your relationship with wealth and health shape your future?

In this episode, I explore desire and its impact on various aspects of life, including money, health, wealth, dreams, and relationships.  By acknowledging and embracing all desires, and by leaning in to positive energy, you can stand strong in your identity, feel more positive, secure, and energised, and ultimately unlock your true potential.



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Speaker 1:

Welcome to Becoming Fearless, the personal growth podcast for you if you are ready to overcome fear and step into your greatness. Our purpose is to help you overcome your limits, have loads of fun along the way, unlocking your fullest potential in life, business, health and relationships every single day. I'm your host, charlotte Carter, a high performance coach and entrepreneur with over 20 years experience. I'm your host, charlotte Carter, a high-performance coach and entrepreneur with over 20 years experience. I've supported many highly driven, talented people like you who dream big and are ready to take action to overcome what's holding them back. Each week, my guests and I will be sharing hacks and habits on how to build self-belief, courage and confidence, to master your mindset and navigate your emotions so that you can reach your human potential in a way that feels light, fun and easeful and helps you become fearless. Let's go. Hello and welcome to another episode of Becoming Fearless. This is a solo episode and I'm going to talk to you today, in your ears, about something that hopefully will bring a smile to your face. I'm going to take you on a journey. I want you to really tap into and connect to what you really want from this life what you're here for, what you stand for and what's the impact that you want to make and what's the legacy you want here for what you stand for and what's the impact that you want to make and what's the legacy you want to leave, and who are you taking on that ride with you and how are you standing strong in everything that makes you uniquely brilliant and awesome and interconnected with the world? So today's episode is all about desire, desire yes, I've said the word desire. There are so many high performers and high achievers that I work with and their desire is focused on how they're going to show up in their business, what they're going to achieve. They've got a great desire for excellence, a great desire for achieving, a great desire for money, a great desire for expansion, a great desire for growth, and so many of these high performers are fabulous at that. But the desire for other areas of their being are not always acknowledged or reached or appreciated or valued or understood. For example, the desire to have money. Let's talk about that. The desire to have money. Lots of people may have this, may never ever tap into it. Lots of people may have it. They're multi-millionaires all over the world. They have it, they feel great about it, they own it, they stand strong in it. It's part of their identity, they love it, their desire is super strong and it is locked in. Now, just the word money has emotional attachments for every single person. Word money has emotional attachments for every single person.

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And Whole Money Mindset Work is a whole different podcast series, but I want to touch on this whole desire and the frequency of what it is that you want to bring into your world. So if you know you want to bring into more money and you want to tap into this desire for money, you've got to give yourself permission to own that. You've got to go. Do you know what I desire? 5k, 10k, 100k, a million, 100 million, whatever it is. You've got to own that desire and feel comfortable with it and feel strong in it and feel secure in it and feel safe in it and feel positive in it and feel energized in it. So allow that one to sit with you.

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Where do you sit on the desire of money? This is becoming fearless. I'm going bold. Let's talk about all of the things. Where do you sit on the desire with money? Ask yourself, let me know, in the becoming fearless community, what comes up for you around this. One True desire is like. Do you know what? Bring it on. I am here for it all. I am here to receive it all. I cannot wait. There's an anticipation, there's a curiosity, there's a whole body fulfillment. It feels awesome. Is that how your relationship is with money? Ask yourself that question. Let's go on to the next one.

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Desire around your health. How do you feel about that? Are you all in? Do you desire a really healthy lifestyle Healthy as in? You are nourishing yourself, you are getting enough sleep, you are moving your body, you are rest and restoring your body in terms of the four pillars of positive psychology, you're doing all of those consistently and with self-compassion and appreciation for your actual mind and body and how they work together. Are you desiring that? Are you actually going? Do you know what? I'm here for? The long haul, I want to have a long, fulfilling, desirable life, and to have that, I've got to really own how I feel about my health. I've got to prioritize it more. I've got to really step into that space of understanding it more and not just taking it for granted.

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There are many, many high performers, high achievers that I work with, where burnout is just around the corner. It is knocking on the door of their health and well-being. For certain and there are also a lot of high performers that I work with where they've nailed their health and well-being. They couldn't be in better shape physically, but their desire for money is just not there. So their business isn't necessarily happening or their opportunities aren't necessarily happening. So this is that you've got to create your balance and blend your rhythm of life, this desired state of what a great life looks like for you.

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Where do you sit with money? Where do you sit with health? Let's talk about wealth. So wealth isn't just the money. Wealth is an abundance of all of the things, an abundance of time, freedom, an abundance of all of the health, an abundance of your well-being. Basically, it's the fullest expansion of yourself. And when we add desire and pleasure into that, are you ready for that? Do you feel like you own that? Do you feel like you are in that space? Are you ready for that? Do you feel like you own that? Do you feel like you are in that space and that energy for that? Do you feel like you are able to receive all of that? Does it feel too big? Does it feel too overwhelming, does it feel out of reach, or does it feel yeah, hey, I have totally got this. I am going to own this on so many levels that I feel so, so good about this and it is going to integrate into every single part of how I show up in this world and who I am in this world.

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So then there's also the desire about your dreams, the things that you want to bring into your world. Like for me, I desired my office at one stage, a big desire. I could not wait. I absolutely could not wait. I desired it. It was something that was going to be a space for me. It was something that was going to be a space away from the home to be able to bring this kind of podcast to the world and bring everything else into the world. And it was a strong, strong desire for me, really strong, and that's how I consciously created it into my world.

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But what are the desires that you have for yourself? Another massive, massive desire for me is the whole dry rub story Having the whole merch, having the branded dry rub, doing all of those kind of things that I do and get my medals, like I do, behind me. What are those desires in your life? I have ultimate other desires for things that I want to do with those people I love closest to me, the desires that I want to do in terms of my next hobby, my next fitness challenge, my next way of shaping who I am, my next identity piece. Understanding all of these range of desires is really important. There's also the whole desire in your relationships, your intimate relationships, your relationships with family, with friends. What do you really desire out of them? We only get one life desire out of them. We only get one life. We get this one life that we are here to really truly own. We are here to really truly live.

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And desire is something that for so many high performers, I see that they've nailed it in some areas, but in some they're just limiting it or they're not giving themselves permission, or there's no space for it, there's no time for it, there's no excitement for it, it's like paused, or it's just not there to be tapped into in any way. Shape or form. Shape or form. So, as you listen to this episode, I want you to take your energy, I want you to take your mindset, I want you to take your whole being to the future. Let's go six months where your life is a desirable life where you look at it and think do you know what? This just feels so good, I feel so good, I'm having so much fun, it feels really easy. The three questions I always ask people how good can you feel, how much fun can you have, how easy can it be?

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When you tap into desire and tap into this six months time, who are you? What's going on? How are you showing up? Where are the pieces of expansion? Where are the pieces of being fearless? Where are the pieces of you? Know what? This is who I am, in my body. I feel so good In my relationships. I feel so connected. I feel like I'm really living. I laugh more, I have more fun, I feel lighter, I feel like I am more capable, I feel stronger, I feel more resilient, I feel more empowered.

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Tune into that feeling for yourself, where you feel way more like you are embodying or anchoring in a truly desirable life. One way you go. Do you know what? I'm excited to get out of bed for this. I'm excited to see what's happening, and not necessarily the whole bouncing off the walls excitement. What I mean is this integrated excitement where you're like this feels so good, this feels so good, this feels like I am on fire and grounded, like I am in control and free, like I am alive and flourishing and stable and safe. Flourishing and stable and safe the desire is where you feel on top of the world and trust that you can stay there. This new part of your energetic vibration is all around, feeling this lightness, this pleasure, this desirable part of how you're going to show up in this world and with that brings way more joy, way more fun and way more opportunities to really understand yourself like never before. And so much of life is understanding that Life is understanding that growth is there for the taking. Growth is there for the taking every single moment of every single day.

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And I don't own this podcast and say to you, hey, I've nailed it, I've got all of this on par. By any way, shape or form, I bring this podcast to your ears to say I continually grow, I continually evolve, I continually learn and I continually put myself in the energetic spaces where beautiful things happen, magical things come to fruition, in a space where there is so much abundance, so much opportunity, so much desire and pleasure, so much abundance, so much opportunity, so much desire and pleasure, so much joy, so much expansion, so much of all the good stuff. I don't just rock out of bed and it's there. I intentionally craft time to do all of the practices that I do, to create the space, to build the resilience, to build the personal practice, to build the stability, to build and harness the energy for more and more of the good stuff, more and more of the greatness, more and more of the possibilities, more and more of the expansion. I am excited about this episode. I want to know, as you're listening, where are you on this scale? Where are you on this scale of do you know what A desirable life would feel? Really great? I feel like I am three out of ten on it. I feel like I am five out of ten on it, or I feel like I am ten out of ten and it feels so, so good. I am navigating all of these spaces now.

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We all know that life is full of twists and turns the rough with the smooth, the limits and the limitless, the masculine and feminine, the joy and the sorrow. We all know that. But in terms of becoming fearless and in terms of positive psychology, we've got to reframe our negative thoughts, our limits, three times more than we do our positives. The ratio in terms of positive psychology and positiveness is three negatives to one positive. So when I talk about pleasure and desire, I want you to really own that as a positive and I want you to really bask in it and understand it and see what it is and see what comes up for you, because I am sure, without a doubt, there will be numerous limits, restrictions, um limiting beliefs, experiences that will pull you back three to one. Remember you've got to tap into the reframes that around owning and staying in a higher vibration, such as desire or pleasure or happiness or joy or any of those really high energetic vibrations.

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My invitation for you on this podcast is to notice when you're sitting in that energy of desire and pleasure and everything feels like you are in tune, like you are stable and strong, like you feel great in that space, like you can navigate the twists and turns, understand that for yourself and then understand when you're not in that space, when you're like do you know what fear is like? Uh, taking control. Fear is running the show, this performance that we call life. Fear is leading it. I'm just like the bystander. I'm not. I've not even been picked for the show. I'm the person that's just way back in. I'm still waiting to get in the door. I'm not even there. When you're there, in your pleasure, your desire, your brilliance, your passion, your purpose, you're the leading role. You own that performance, you own that stage. You own who the hell you are like.

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Never before and when you can do that and, from that space and place, create more opportunities and more connections and more time and more space and more freedom and more of the stuff that you really desire, you just get more and more. It's that self-fulfilling prophecy. Get yourself into the space of feeling good, feeling fun, feeling like there's lots of pleasurable things going on, feeling like you're anchoring into your desires and you're creating something. Whether they're business, personal relationships, health, whatever they are based on, you can have them all. You can have them all and you can anchor them in. They're not just a fleeting thing that you can experience and then it goes. You can habit stack desires, just like we habit stack limits, and just like we habits stack things to make changes. You can habits stack a huge amount of tools to be able to bring some of these changes into your world.

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You can bring things like journaling into your world to work out. Okay, what's going on here. What am I holding on to? Why it just doesn't feel right. It's not serving me. You can journal around. What are those things that I really desire? What comes up for me, me? You can journal around. What are those things I really desire. What comes up for me? Does it feel secret? Does it feel dirty? Does it feel wrong? Does it feel like it's just not me? Does it feel alien? Does it feel so, so good that I'm overwhelmed? What's coming up for you?

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You can start to unpick some of the layers for yourself and then see what comes up next. What's happening? Are you in the right place? Do your relationships feel good? Does your business feel good? Where do you feel in your body? Do you feel good in your body? Are you looking after yourself?

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Then you tap into the fun, the lightness, the laughter, the joy. Are you seeing the people that you love that bring you joy and happiness? What's going on in that space? And then, where's the ease? Are you making things mega difficult, mega hard? Are you in that real, um, inner critic space? Is everything feeling so, so full of doubt and heaviness?

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Because you get to choose. You get to choose how you navigate through these, this life. You get to choose whether you're going to be that person who owns their performance and really stand strong in it and it's their stability in terms of navigating stuff. So they spend more and more time in the good stuff because they learn it, they integrate it, they nourish themselves and they understand that they're building their own inner resilience as they go. Or are you the person that's right outside that's not even watching their own performance because fear is holding them back? I'm excited to know.

Speaker 1:

Let me know, come into the Becoming Fearless community. Let me know what your thoughts are on this episode. Let me know what's coming in for you in terms of your top desire that you're just not that you'd love, you'd really love to have. You can feel it in your heart, feel so, so good, but you're just not allowing yourself, or you're just not going for it or it feels too big. Let me know.

Speaker 1:

Let's carry on the conversation in the becoming fearless community group on facebook. I will see you then. Thank you for tuning into this week's episode. I hope that you're feeling energized, fearless and inspired to take action today to stand in your greatness. I share even more tools and resources on my I Dare to Leap email newsletter by signing up, you not only get early access to the I Dare to Leap products and services, but you also get brand new podcast episodes delivered straight to your inbox every Monday, meaning you'll never miss your weekly dose of becoming fearless energy. Meaning you'll never miss your weekly dose of becoming fearless energy. Sign up now at wwwidaretoleapcom. Forward slash newsletter or click the link in the show notes below.

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