Becoming Fearless

27. Discover And Unleash Your 'I'm Ready' Energy

Charlotte Carter

'I'm Ready' energy is a state of commitment, transformation, and momentum. It's the polar opposite to 'I'm Waiting' energy, which involves making excuses and delaying action.

What if you could tap into an unshakable "I'm Ready" energy that allows you to experience joy, success, and limitless potential?

You can! In this episode, I unravel the profound connection between high performance and your true identity.

Tune in to what's serving you and what's straining you. Your own 'I'm Ready' energy is bigger than fear and waiting for you to discover it!



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Speaker 1:

Welcome to Becoming Fearless, the personal growth podcast for you if you are ready to overcome fear and step into your greatness. Our purpose is to help you overcome your limits, have loads of fun along the way, unlocking your fullest potential in life, business, health and relationships every single day. I'm your host, charlotte Carter, a high performance coach and entrepreneur with over 20 years experience. I'm your host, charlotte Carter, a high-performance coach and entrepreneur with over 20 years experience. I've supported many highly driven, talented people like you who dream big and are ready to take action to overcome what's holding them back. Each week, my guests and I will be sharing hacks and habits on how to build self-belief, courage and confidence, to master your mindset and navigate your emotions so that you can reach your human potential in a way that feels light, fun and easeful and helps you become fearless. Let's go. Hello and welcome to another Becoming Fearless episode. This is a solo episode and I'm coming to you talking about an identity theme. So much of high performance, so much of personal growth is about who are we becoming, who are we revealing, who are we connecting to, and I want to talk about the fact that it's not somebody new, it's not something that you're going to be creating a brand new version of yourself. There's an element of coming home, isn't it connecting back to your roots? Connecting back to your purpose, yourself, your soul, however you want to see it? But ultimately, I talk about exploring, resolving and transforming how you see yourself, how you think, how you feel and how you behave. So when I talk about identity with people, it's about who's this version of you, who is this version of you, and what are they doing and what do they do for fun? What do they do for bring happiness? Where is the joy in their life and how do they show up for themselves? What's the behavior that is non-negotiable in their world? How do they treat their body? How do they look after their health? How do they create opportunities and space to allow them to have all of the richness in life in all of its guises, the wealth that is all around us? How do they allow themselves to A have permission for it, b receive it and C keep hold of it? So I'm really excited about this episode.

Speaker 1:

I want to talk to you about the I'm ready theme. So, for those of you that are familiar with high performance, brendan Richard has these great identity themes, and one of them is all about feeling ready, being I'm ready, and I want to talk today about the I'm ready energy. It is potent, it is powerful. It's a bit like when you're at the top of that mountain. I ask you if you dare to leap and you go yes, I'm ready, and you leap. That's the I'm ready energy. It's like the energy that you're not going to go back. It's like the energy that you're all in. It's like the energy I say to people when you're making a commitment, when you're making a decision, you've got to have this. Hell yes, you've got to have this whole body. I'm in and I cannot wait to get started. You've got to have this space and this energy around you because it's going to build momentum and it's going to build safety and security in the unmet.

Speaker 1:

So let's go back a bit. How do you uncover the I'm Ready energy and then how do you hold it and then how to blow your own mind with it. So let's take a step back. We're still at the top of the mountain. We've got this kind of like determination, we've got this inner grit, we've got this perspective, we've got this ownership. We feel like we are on track, feel like things are coming together. That's kind of where you are as you're approaching the I'm Ready energy. You feel like things are coming in place, dropping into place the space before. That is where you feel like everything's all over the place, like everything is scattered. Your thoughts are, your energy is. You can't quite work out where you're going. Everything just doesn't fit. It feels like it is a struggle. It feels like things are conflicting and clashing. There's like an awkwardness. Nothing feels smooth or easeful. That's where you are before then you've not even got your boots on to go up the mountain.

Speaker 1:

Believe me, I can record this episode because I've been in all of those places and that's what I always wanted to bring to becoming fearless. I want to bring that. I'm definitely the one that jumps. For certain I have all my life. But I also want to bring that on the person that actually remembers all of the steps. And because I keep jumping, I keep living through those steps. What happens is I just move through them very, very quickly.

Speaker 1:

Whereas initially I sat in that space, I sat in that heavy energy, I sat in that contemplative energy for a lot, lot longer. Now I ask myself, like I have with one of the other episodes what have I made it mean about me, or what am I making this mean about me? Whatever, the space is where you're resisting putting your boots on, so the I'm ready energy as you're climbing that mountain and getting ready to be at the top, this is when you are in a little bit of curiosity mode. You're open and you're opening to the time and the timing of things happening and dropping in for you. So you're in a space of decision making. You're in a space of navigating things that feel good for you and releasing the things that don't. You're in a space of being able to create more space, because when you leap and you're in the I'm Ready energy, you've got to have space to go with it, otherwise you're going. The I'm ready energy, you've got to have space to go with it, otherwise you're going to pull yourself back.

Speaker 1:

So part of this shedding, this releasing this exploring section of growth is where you are tuning in to your intuition, your energy, your thoughts, your feelings and your actions and checking in with what's serving you and what is straining you, what's serving you and what is straining you. And if you sit for a moment in the energy of straining, the energy of draining, the energy of resistance, the energy of heaviness, the energy of all of the beliefs that might not be yours, the people pleasing the over, delivering the over, committing the not good enough thread, whatever it is for you. If you sit in that energy, you're not going to climb the next step. You're going to stay in that energetic void for some space. In that energetic void for some space, when you lean in in the positive psychology way and you're looking at what's going well and you're like you know what? Hey, I'm going to release this belief. I'm going to release this belief. I'm going to step into the unknown. I'm going to create some safety within myself.

Speaker 1:

I know I can do new things. I've done them all my life. I know I can create opportunities for advancement. I know I have a support network around me that's going to help me. I know I can listen to podcasts like this that are going to give me some nuggets of information to allow me to keep moving and rest when I want to and move again when I want to. I'm ready.

Speaker 1:

Is momentum energy. It's a transformation energy. It's a commitment energy. It's a space like no other. It's a state like happiness or joy. It's a state that I have people come into me time and time and time again that I have people come into me time and time and time again. Charlotte, I've just been watching you for a while. I'm in this space and I'm ready to take the next step, whatever that may be, and I'm here to support all of those people, to allow them to flourish in the I'm Ready energy and, ultimately, to carry it. Carry it, ride the wave, allow yourself to navigate it, allow yourself to be in that space, to pause, allow yourself to trust that the I'm Ready energy is going to come again and again and again, because you get to create it. You are the powerful creator of your reality and you get to create all of the things that bring you joy, happiness, success, high performance, luxurious living at any moment in time. But we can only create more and more of this when we release what doesn't serve us. It's the wonderful duality of life, it's the wonderful space that we find ourselves in and it's the wonderful joys of life. Everything has a polar opposite. So the I'm ready energy polar opposite is I'm waiting.

Speaker 1:

I'm waiting for the next thing. I'm waiting till after the school holidays. I'm waiting till the children have grown up. I'm waiting for the next thing. I'm waiting till after the school holidays. I'm waiting till the children have grown up. I'm waiting till I've lost weight. I'm waiting till I've put on weight. I'm waiting till next year. I'm waiting till we've got more money. I'm waiting till it goes down in price. I'm waiting, I'm waiting, I'm waiting and, as I always say, tomorrow is never guaranteed.

Speaker 1:

What part of you is waiting? What part of you is waiting for permission, is waiting for acceptance, is waiting to feel better about it, is waiting to make sure it's perfect? That part of you is never going to get in the I'm ready energy. You want to be able to step into it. When you don't feel like it. You're never going to go.

Speaker 1:

I'm ready and it feels fabulous. I'm in this space and do you know what? I kind of just sashayed into it, living my best life, and it feels great and everything is super smooth. It's not going to roll like that. It's going to be an intentional desire and action that is filled with excitement and with curiosity and with fear, because anything that is unknown we are slightly afraid of, subconsciously, energetically, we will hide from it. But ultimately, the I'm ready is like do you know what? I am bigger than the fear. I'm bigger than not doing the thing. I'm bigger than staying in the waiting energy. I'm bigger than that and I'm ready to uncover the next layer of growth, the next level of my life and the next opportunity for real expansion.

Speaker 1:

So just pause for a moment. Just be in that space of readiness. Just be in that space of readiness, see how it lands with you. How does it feel, how does it show up? What are the pieces around the joy, around the happiness? What are the resistant blocks? Resistant blocks? What will it take for you to embody the I'm ready energy? What will it take for you to embody the I'm ready energy? I'm excited, I'm alive, I am flourishing, I am determined, I am focused. This is a non-negotiable. I am here for it all. I am ready.

Speaker 1:

Tune in to yourself, to what comes up for you self, to what comes up for you. I have multiple ways to help you with this one. Just send me a DM on Instagram or send me an email All details are in the show notes below and let's get you into the I'm ready energy like never before. It is a fabulous place to be. It is a very potent place to be. It's a very magnetic place to be. It's a beautiful, gorgeous place to be and I want it for all of you, absolutely all of you.

Speaker 1:

The I'm ready energy feels great. Remember, you're never going to feel like you're all in on it. You want to be all in, with a little bit of anticipation, a little bit of fear, a little bit of nervousness, but ultimately the majority of excitement, joy, happiness, possibilities and wild expansion and limitless success like never, ever, ever before. I'm excited to talk more about the I'm ready energy, but for now, just tune into yourself, as you've listened. Tune into what's come up, work through some of the stuff if you feel like you're waiting, work through what's going to take those steps to get you to the top of the mountain and then ultimately hold the energy of what's going to get you leaping, what's going to get you into the next, the next, the next. What's going to bring you all of that joy, all of that happiness, all of that limitless potential like never before.

Speaker 1:

I'm excited about allowing you to explore this I'm Ready energy for yourself. Believe me, it's's potent, it's powerful and I'm here for it all. Take care, huge love. I will see you on the next episode. Thank you for tuning into this week's episode. I hope that you're feeling energized, fearless and inspired to take action today to stand in your greatness. I share even more tools and resources on my I Dare to Leap email newsletter. By signing up, you not only get early access to the I Dare to Leap products and services, but you also get brand new podcast episodes delivered straight to your inbox every Monday, meaning you'll never miss your weekly dose of becoming fearless energy. Sign up now at wwwidaretoleapcom. Forward slash newsletter or click the link in the show notes below.

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