Becoming Fearless

31. The AAA+ Plus System: Transform The Way You Approach Your Journey As An Entrepreneur

Charlotte Carter

Imagine transforming your fears into fuel for success.

I'll walk you through my powerful AAA+ framework, starting with awareness, where we confront limiting beliefs and identify our true desires. Through personal stories and invaluable insights, I emphasise the beauty of recognising and appreciating your unique energy and frequency, setting you on the path to unparalleled growth and achievement. 

Learn how embracing fear can lead to a life filled with aliveness and high performance. I’ll share my journey of overcoming the fear of visibility and launching a global podcast that resonates with listeners around the world. We'll discuss actionable tools and techniques to transform your mindset, emotions, and behaviors, and reveal why rest and restoration are essential for sustained high performance. Together, we'll explore how to stay grounded while expanding your potential, helping you to redefine success and tap into your unique brilliance, passion, and purpose.

Tune in and transform the way you approach your entrepreneurial journey!



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Speaker 1:

Welcome to Becoming Fearless, the personal growth podcast for you if you are ready to overcome fear and step into your greatness. Our purpose is to help you overcome your limits, have loads of fun along the way, unlocking your fullest potential in life, business, health and relationships every single day. I'm your host, charlotte Carter, a high performance coach and entrepreneur with over 20 years experience. I'm your host, charlotte Carter, a high-performance coach and entrepreneur with over 20 years experience. I've supported many highly driven, talented people like you who dream big and are ready to take action to overcome what's holding them back. Each week, my guests and I will be sharing hacks and habits on how to build self-belief, courage and confidence, to master your mindset and navigate your emotions so that you can reach your human potential in a way that feels light, fun and easeful and helps you become fearless. Let's go.

Speaker 1:

Hello, listeners, and welcome to another episode of Becoming Fearless. I am excited to bring this solo episode to you. I am bringing all of the fire, all of the energy and all of the expansion. I want to just talk for a minute about the whole notion of energy Energy in high performance, energy in the way that we carry ourselves, who we are, being the energetic layers of entrepreneurship, and being able to acknowledge and appreciate your own energy, your own uniqueness, your own particular frequency and how you navigate the world is something that I just absolutely adore. I am working with a fabulous, fabulous leader in this field, and more and more will be shared as the podcast gets older, but for now I want to just touch on something that happened about four days ago and then again two days ago, so I thought this has got to be the episode for today. I have been energetically receiving information for my life, a lifetime. That's not what this episode is about. This episode is about high performance, intuition and creating a transformation. So, like I say, about four days ago or four nights ago, I had flowed to me this whole system, the AAA plus system, and it was given this name because as a child, I never, ever, ever got AAA plus. I might have got an A in PE, but I never got those high achiever you know, a grade throughout the board results that a lot of my clients have. I wasn't that version of high performance or high achievers. I showed my achievement in a very, very different way, and it wasn't necessarily academically, wasn't necessarily academically. As a young girl, I had extra help with English, extra help with maths to be able to pass exams, to be able to navigate my way through university, to be able to get the wealth of qualifications that I have got. But my AAA plus system is about navigating fear, understanding how to walk with it and then generating expansion and a healthy energy.

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So the first A is about awareness. You don't know what you don't know. It's a very famous quote. A lot of people talk about this. It's very, very true. It sounds simple. It is very, very true.

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You don't know what you don't know, and awareness comes in various shapes and forms, but ultimately, what happens is you become aware of something that you desire. You become aware of it, whether it is something in business, whether it's a next sale, whether it's to create more impact, whether it's to change your body, whether it's to have a better relationship with people in your life, whether it's to receive love more, whatever it is for you, you become aware of a desire. I would really like that, actually. In fact, let's scrap that. I would love that, would love that actually. In fact, I am yearning for that, and so the depth of desire is ultimately up to you. But ultimately, the A first A is about becoming aware, becoming aware of a desire that you'd like, and with that first awareness comes all sorts of things. Am I ready, who am I to desire? That? That's for everybody else. I don't think it's time, I don't think I'm qualified enough, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. Whatever comes in for you, whatever that desire is, you will become aware of your limiting beliefs, your stories, your fears that you are saying to yourself. And if you don't work through them, you will stay in that awareness place. Oh, my goodness, I'm aware that I really desire this and I'm just going to stay stuck in this space that I'm not necessarily going to move to the next.

Speaker 1:

A Awareness is key, without a doubt. We have to bring something into our vision. Key, without a doubt. We don't, we. We have to bring something into our vision, into our heart, into our um space, to be able to see it, hear it and for it to land. Remember, connected strongly to your desires.

Speaker 1:

Tune in for a moment. What would you love, love, love to have right now in your life, in your business, in your health, in your relationships? What would you love more of? Build that desire, then, build that awareness around it. What the stories you're saying why the reasons you haven't got it, what other fears that that are coming in, acknowledge them, appreciate them and we get to the second, a Acceptance. So we have this desire, whatever it may be. All the things have come up about us not getting it, all those limiting beliefs, all of those stories. We've worked through them. We're like now we're now, we're going to get it. Now we are going to accept it and we are going to go for it. We are going to actually take the action to move forward and embrace and achieve that desire.

Speaker 1:

Acceptance is understanding who you are. What's the fears that have come in around all of those pieces, around that desire? How can you work through the fears? Top fears fear of visibility, fear of rejection, fear of judgment, fear of your greatness, fear of success, failure. There are many. Which ones come in when you harness in your mind to that strongest desire, where you impact your own vision by using your heart to create magnetism to what you really desire.

Speaker 1:

Where are you then? What happens? It's next layer Accept, accept, accept. Become aware about the beliefs. Become aware, accept, accept, accept about the beliefs and the fears Because, ultimately, you're here to do this. You're here to do the thing, you're here to take the action. You're here to create the impact. You're here to do the thing. You're here to take the action. You're here to create the impact. You're here to make the change. You're here to have a life that you truly desire and truly deserve on multiple, multiple, multiple levels, and only you can put yourself forward from that and only you can pull yourself out of it. You get have this immense power and magnetism within you that gets to create lives.

Speaker 1:

So we sit in the place of oh my goodness, I've become aware of this and I really, really want it, but I don't know whether I can ever achieve it. We become aware of all those beliefs, we get into acceptance do you know what? I'm going for it? And there's all these sorts of fears that come up. There's a more depth to the reality because you're taking steps, you're getting closer, you're taking action. There's more and more and more things that happen as you do that. And then we get to the triple A You've done it. Oh my goodness, I wanted to do this thing. I became aware of all the stories. I accepted who I was in that moment and I allowed myself to take the steps to do the thing. And now I've done it and we get into the space of the third A, the triple A, which is aliveness.

Speaker 1:

Aliveness, the power of being alive, the feelings that rush through your body and your mind and your heart and you feel aliveness. What a powerful, powerful emotion to feel. I feel alive. Fear and how it shows up in your mind, your body, your nervous system, your heart, allows us to feel alive. It allows us to feel the desires, us to feel the desires. It allows us to feel a transformative change. Aliveness is potent, it is powerful and it is yours for the taking. I know.

Speaker 1:

For me personally, I want to feel alive every day. I want to do this stuff, I want to create the change, I want to bring the transformation and I want to do it in a way where I feel alive. You've got to allow yourself to feel all of the fear and understand that and navigate all of that to be able to bring this aliveness. You know there's a version of me that had this big fear of visibility, didn't want to be seen or heard, because when I was seen or heard I was told off from it by the teachers at school Sit still, stop talking, etc. Etc. I'm sure many of you know the drill Understand.

Speaker 1:

Now I have this global podcast in the ears of people all over the world. I don't know some of you listening. It's not like you're in my safe comfort zone. You could be anyone anywhere in the world. I have overcome, I have become aware, I have accepted, I have felt alive about bringing this podcast to the masses and being able to share it in the way that I do, which is very, very open, honest and very informative. In the same way. This is about bringing you the tools, the techniques, so that you can transform yourself in a way that works for you.

Speaker 1:

Nobody else is transcript aliveness. How awesome is that? Hey, who wants to feel alive? Ask yourself this question what can I do today to feel alive? Can you get in cold water? Can you go and ground yourself? Can you get yourself a cup of coffee and sit outside for five minutes? Can you get the house ready? Can you prepare yourself something really gorgeous and nutritious to eat? Can you create space to lie down for 10 minutes and have a rest? Whatever it is? Can you feel alive? Then, of course, I am a to not necessarily raise the bar, but I'm here to redefine success, redefine high performance, bring it to the ears of the masses to be able to understand that they are uniquely brilliant, they can transform how they think, feel and behave in any given circumstances, that they can use and utilise their energy in a very powerful way.

Speaker 1:

Understanding all of these pieces of how you show up in the world, who you are, what really matters for you, is a big part of this journey, of this journey. So I guess you all want to know what the plus is. Who wants to know what the plus is? There is always the next layer. High performance is about momentum. It's about understanding. It's about transformation. It's about understanding. It's about transformation. It's about growth and it's about understanding that rest and restoration are integral to your life. Without a doubt, they are essential. And being able to navigate your awareness, your acceptance and your aliveness, with your passion, your purpose and your brilliance, With your leadership, with your values and your strengths, and get to the plus piece. This is all about three things Refinement of what works.

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Double down on it, triple down on it. Do more of the stuff that brings you happiness, joy and bliss. Do the things that allow you to move life forward. Do the things that allow you to feel alive, but refine them, tweak them. Keep checking in. Are they still working like they did? Because things will change. You will change, environments will change like they did. Because things will change. You will change, environments will change, situations will change. You keep checking in.

Speaker 1:

Whatever practices you have to keep yourself as a high achiever, as a high performer. What can be refined? How can you move yourself from that space and place into the new version of you? Second one groundedness. Groundedness. High performers, high achievers out there that are hanging out in their head 99% of the time, come out of your head. It is safe to drop into your body. It is even safer to drop into your heart. It is even more impactful to ground yourself, ground your energies, ground your skillset, ground your performance, ground your success into who you are, what you're here to do, and root yourself to the core of your being energetically. Allow yourself to create this safety and this security and this springboard to the next layer of you.

Speaker 1:

And then, finally, expansion. I love it. My leading strength is futuristic. I love hanging out in the expansive field where anything is possible. There are no limits. We enter in limitless success and we step into a very, very different version of who we are. We take all of our learnings, all of our lessons and all of our capabilities into this space. And in this space we create magic. We create so much joy, so much bliss, and it takes courage, love and compassion to be able to fully extend ourselves, whilst surrendering, whilst holding the faith and trusting we are always exactly where we are meant to be.

Speaker 1:

So two days ago, I stood on stage with this um sister, shared it with the audience and they were captivated. They were listening, people were writing this down and ultimately, for me, this journey has been around self-worth, self-acceptance and personal leadership of my performance. This is about understanding and embracing all of your unique qualities, your uniqueness and the way that you show up in the world and everything that makes you so powerful, and harnessing it so that you can ground in that, feel safe in that, feel foundational and supported in that. And from that space you've got a massive, massive springboard to your version of success, your high performance, your expansion and beyond, because that's where we bring in the energetics, and that is for a whole new episode.

Speaker 1:

So for today, I would like you to tune in to yourself, tune into what you're becoming aware of, what do you need to accept and where do you feel alive? And then, where's this plus piece for you? What's the next layer? Where's the high performance piece for you? Where's the high performance integration? Where's this expansion piece? Where do you sit? How do you feel, how do you carry yourself? This is what this is all about, and I cannot wait to bring this out to the world in various different guises. Out to the world in various different guises, but also to take my becoming fearless community on a ride.

Speaker 1:

For those who are ready, I have brought about my I'm ready experience. The details are below in the show notes. It's 50 days to transform one aspect of your life. I'm here, I'm going to be live every day for 50 days to take you on a journey. I'm going to have my key goal. I am transforming for you before my very eyes and you are watching and learning and listening and taking action. If you're ready to do the thing and transforming yourself along the way to 50 days, 50 lives, as I approach 50 years around the sun, and I cannot wait to see who I am going to be, what I'm going to become aware of, what I'm going to need to accept on the journey and what is going to bring me so much aliveness like never, ever, ever, ever before.

Speaker 1:

So for now, tune in. Remember, life is for living. Tune in what's the thing that you really desire? What would you love to do? How can you bring it about? What we think about we can bring about? How can you visualize it? How can you put your heart and soul into it and how can you bring it into a space where it feels safe and it feels expansive? You are more than ready to bring it out into the world. Huge love to you all. Have a fabulous day wherever you are in the world, and I will come to you soon with another episode.

Speaker 1:

Thank you for tuning into this week's episode. I hope that you're feeling energised, fearless and inspired to take action today to stand in your greatness. I share even more tools and resources on my I Dare to Leap email newsletter. By signing up, you not only get early access to the I Dare to Leap email newsletter. By signing up, you not only get early access to the I Dare to Leap products and services, but you also get brand new podcast episodes delivered straight to your inbox every Monday, meaning you'll never miss your weekly dose of becoming fearless energy. Sign up now at wwwidaretoleapcom forward slash newsletter or click the link in the show notes below.

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