Becoming Fearless

25. How To Build Your Confidence Muscle

Charlotte Carter Episode 25

Confidence is like a muscle; the more you build it and use it, the bigger it becomes.

Join me as I share tips and techniques for navigating fear and building the confidence muscle while staying true to yourself.

Learning to meet yourself where you are at. Embracing self-awareness, self-love, and kindness. Letting go of preconceived ideas about yourself. I talk about these topics and way more - I really have packed so much into this episode!

Let's create a ripple effect of positivity and self-empowerment!



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Speaker 1:

Welcome to Becoming Fearless, the personal growth podcast for you if you are ready to overcome fear and step into your greatness. Our purpose is to help you overcome your limits, have loads of fun along the way, unlocking your fullest potential in life, business, health and relationships every single day. I'm your host, charlotte Carter, a high performance coach and entrepreneur with over 20 years experience. I'm your host, charlotte Carter, a high-performance coach and entrepreneur with over 20 years experience. I've supported many highly driven, talented people like you who dream big and are ready to take action to overcome what's holding them back. Each week, my guests and I will be sharing hacks and habits on how to build self-belief, courage and confidence, to master your mindset and navigate your emotions so that you can reach your human potential in a way that feels light, fun and easeful and helps you become fearless. Let's go. Hello and welcome to another episode of Becoming Fearless. I am delighted to have been sharing this podcast now for nearly three months. It blows my mind. I love the fact that people keep tuning in and listening and I want to create more positive psychology spins on the episode so we can give you more tips and tricks and advice as to how to navigate fear, but ultimately, how to find your courage, your bravery and your trust in yourself to stand strong, stand tall and create a life full of all your desires. So today is a solo episode and it's all about meeting you where you are at and how to build your confidence muscle. How to build your confidence muscle.

Speaker 1:

Confidence is something we all have in areas of our life. Take a moment to just think of where you feel the most confident in your life. Where do you feel like hey, do you know what? I am nailing this particular element of my life. I am super on it. I feel great in it. I feel like I'm consistent, I feel like it's sustainable. I feel like it's just something I am wildly confident in. And get yourself into that energy of owning that space, knowing and trusting that actually, you can claim to be confident in many, many things. It's a belief shift, it's an energy shift and it's something that you can practice. So when you get into the space of hey, do you know what I did this? I'm great at doing this, this and this. I feel really confident when I do this, this and this, you're reminding yourself, a of how powerful you are, but B, of the elements of your life that you already feel confident. So, when it comes to C, the areas that you're scared of, where fear comes in, where you feel afraid and you feel anything but confident, you've got a history, you've got a track record, you've got a reference point to go back to, to go oh yeah, hang on. I remember when I didn't do this and now look how I can do it and I'm so confident at it. And I remember when I couldn't do this bit and I was scared of this. And now I do that standing on my head. So think about what it is for you the areas where you feel super confident in, you feel like you are achieving wild success like never before, and the areas where you know you are ready to own a more confident version of you and you know to do that. There are just some key steps to take, there are some key paths to follow and there are key parts of your journey to step into and hold.

Speaker 1:

So today I want to take you on a ride about meeting you where you are at. I want to take you on a ride about meeting you where you are at. I say this with everyone that I work with, that I talk to in my confidence workshops that I give for people. Dm me if you want info on that. I did one last night. These are like a holistic view of fear and confidence and how, when you're doing something new, what goes on in doing something new, what goes on in your mind, what goes on in your energy, what goes on in your physical self, and how you can find the tools and techniques to navigate those bumps in the road and build that confidence muscle. So it is your like six-pack to success or whatever you want to feel. So, part of that workshop, I talk about meeting you where you are at and I thought it's a great one to share in a solo episode.

Speaker 1:

Meeting you where you are at. This is you looking in the mirror, eye to eye. This is me. This is where I'm at. These are the things I am fabulous at. These are the things that I am awesome at. These are the things that I absolutely own and stand by and really adore doing and flourishing, and these are the things that I've got to work on. These are the things that are stretches and these are the areas of my life that I know. Once I have owned them and understood them and stand strong in them, I've been able to create more and more, more of the pleasure principle and more of the desires, which is what you are all here for creating a life that feels absolutely fabulous from the inside out, and knowing and trusting that you've got this on multiple levels.

Speaker 1:

So the first part of the five parts of meeting you where you're at, the first part is about let it go. You can burst into song if you fancy it. I won't because I'm tone deaf, which is another episode. Let it go. What I mean by this is let go of any of the preconceived ideas you have of yourself. Let go of any of the things that hold you back. Let go of all the shoulds or the things that you feel like you should be. Further on, let go of the choices that you made that you might be wishing that you made different choices. Let go of expectations. Let go of expectations. Let go of high standards. Just let go of some things that may be trapped in fear or trapped in negativity or trapped in stagnancy. Let go of them. This is the first bit of meeting you where you're at. You've got to let go of any of the illusions that you had about yourself, of where you'd be at this stage in your life.

Speaker 1:

Step two be kind. Being kind is an aspect of high performance, positive psychology and energetics. Kindness is proven to make us feel good. When we observe an act of kindness, we get a kickback of feeling good. When we practice kindness, we get a kickback. When we receive kindness, we get a kickback. So imagine, imagine if you could be kind to yourself, if you could spin all of those things back on yourself and do you know what set the intention as you look in that mirror? I'm going to be mega kind to myself today. I am going to be courageous, I am going to be brave, I'm going to be kind and I'm going to own who I am. This kindness piece is powerful. It sounds simple and I get it, but it's actually proven to be so, so powerful on all different levels.

Speaker 1:

Cellular level, then, the third one meeting you where you're at is self-awareness. To be listening to this podcast, becoming fearless, to have heard me talk about learning to walk with fear, to be able to be brave and courageous, to take the leap, all of those things that I talk about on multiple levels. You have to be able to be in that space of being aware, becoming aware, owning that self-awareness on everything. So start to observe how you show up, how you navigate life, what goes on for you, how you think, feel and act, who affects you, who lights you up, who drains you, how you show up in the world in all of the guises and everything in between. Self-awareness is key. It's key for growth, it's key for expansion, it's key for understanding all of the things about you and navigating them in a way that feels good for you about you and navigating them in a way that feels good for you.

Speaker 1:

Following on from self-awareness is self-love. This is potent. This is one of the most powerful parts of self-awareness. Ask yourself the question do you love yourself? Do you like yourself? Do you hate yourself? Do you feel that you're just okay? Ultimate high levels of performance, achievement, satisfaction and personal power is where you love yourself unconditionally. You love all the parts of you. You are there in all of your glory, owning them and accepting them and loving on them like never before. It's a powerful place to be, a journey for so many and such a rewarding transformation to have when you fully own, embrace and feel your heart full of love for you, because we have the ripple effect. We have the fabulous feelings that we feel for ourself, which is ultimately what we're always working on, and then we can ripple this out, something that I'm driven by the ripple effect. How can you reach more people? You can ripple out your love for more and more and more and more once you've filled your own self up first, and then, finally, you do you.

Speaker 1:

I remember saying this to a client a few years ago and it really resonated with her, and it's a statement again that seems simple, but it's a statement that is so, so powerful. Stay in your own lane. Let's allow comparisonitis to just dwindle and move out of your energy. Let's allow you to be strong, see in the mirror everything that's fabulous about you and own that like never before. So, to recap, we have talked about let it go be kind, self-awareness, self-love, and you do you. And these are all wrapped in confidence, confidence to be who you truly are.

Speaker 1:

As you've listened to this episode, I want you to put your hands on your heart. It's where love is, it's where power is, it's where magnetism is, and I want you to just think for a moment about how confident you feel in yourself, in your skin, in your body, in yourself, to be able to do anything you desire, anything is possible. The life is limitless. We get to choose, we get to be. We get to choose, we get to be, we get to create all of these things in all of these ways and ultimately it's just us that holds ourselves back. And when we can be in that space of joy, abundance, anticipation, curiosity, love, laughter, joy, pleasure and ultimate bliss, we get to be in a space of alignment, ultimate happiness and the courage to take that next growth spurt, that next piece of your journey, where you really own all of the pieces of you and be able to stay in a space of true flourishing of self. So I'm excited to see how confident you feel. Tune into yourself, remember, you are fabulous, exactly as you are.

Speaker 1:

This confidence piece is really really potent. I have an exercise for you to try. I want you to get three pieces of paper and put a circle on each piece of paper and each piece of paper represents three different times in your life where you felt massively confident. And I want you to stand on the first piece of paper like your toes in the circle, so you can see a bit of the circle and allow yourself to feel the confident of that first event when you were like in this space. So say, for example, one of my medals. I felt super confident on there, nailing it. The race was fabulous, I'm feeling confident, I'm feeling it well inside me, I'm owning it. And do you know what? Wow, I really do feel and did feel great in that moment. I absolutely loved it. And let that flood through your body time and time again as you're trying this exercise and breathe in and breathe out.

Speaker 1:

And then the second circle think of the second time. Go on, you can do it another time where you're absolutely nailed it. You thought this is it. I've smashed it out of the park. So I remember standing on stage and I felt like this is it. I'm really confident, I'm really owning my vocal ability, I'm owning the way that I can hold the room, I'm owning my energy, I feel super confident. And stand in that circle. Same thing. Allow the confidence to build and build and build within you so that you can stay in that space of feeling that joy for yourself, that love for yourself and this confidence building, build and build and take another deep breath.

Speaker 1:

And then again, let's take the third circle. Think of a relationship that you have where you feel really confident, where you feel really proud of yourself. You feel like it's a great dynamic in the relationship. You feel confident in it. It's a real good mix of give and take. Think about something like that again in your circle, stand in it. Allow your confidence to flow and flood through you like you are owning that dynamic in that relationship. You're owning it, you feel great in it. It all feels super, super impactful and also this energy of ease. It feels easeful more and more and more and more so in that space, allow yourself to tune in to how you feel and take a deep breath in and out.

Speaker 1:

So you've got these three circles, three completely different confidence experiences where you felt fabulous. We want to wrap them all together. Put the circles on top of each other, put your pieces of paper on top of each other, on top of each other. Allow yourself to think about those three intricate details where those feelings felt absolutely epic as a solo experience. Now you're going to stand on all three and the compound effect is going to take hold of you.

Speaker 1:

Your well-being, your health, your happiness, your confidence is going to skyrocket. Allow yourself to build that feeling within you. Rise in you your energy, your presence, your power, your personal navigation of life, how you feel, how you act, how you behave, how you explain things to people, how you can create this ripple effect throughout the world by what you do, what you say and how you help and support people by being this confident being who owns everything that you are and take a deep breath in and breathe in that confidence, that success, that health, that wealth and that happiness, knowing that you have got everything within you and you always have. And I am here to help you on the journey of building and flourishing your confidence muscle like never before. Let me know, dm me on Instagram, email me at charlotte at idea to leapcom if you've got any questions. Anything's around confidence. I am here to help you build it, help you shape it and allow you to really step into the person that you've always you were born to be.

Speaker 1:

Take care, cute love, and I will see you on the next episode. Thank you for tuning into this week's episode. I hope that you're feeling energised, fearless and inspired to take action today to stand in your greatness. I share even more tools and resources on my I Dare to Leap email newsletter. By signing up, you not only get early access to the I Dare to Leap products and services, but you also get brand new podcast episodes delivered straight to your inbox every Monday, meaning you'll never miss your weekly dose of becoming fearless energy. Sign up now at wwwidaretoleapcom. Forward slash newsletter or click the link in the show notes below.

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