Becoming Fearless

29. Behind the Mic: 5 Lessons Learnt from Launching the Becoming Fearless Podcast

Charlotte Carter

The Becoming Fearless podcast is three months old today. After a long time where I learnt to overcome my various fears, I now have a successful podcast that reaches listeners across the globe!

Join me as I uncover the Becoming Fearless journey in a special solo episode. I share five invaluable lessons from these first three months, including how a flexible yet structured plan can revolutionise your recording schedule and energy management. You'll also get a glimpse into the technical side of podcasting, understanding why Chrome is a must for international guests and how investing in a quality microphone can make all the difference. Plus, learn about the joys and hurdles of hosting a diverse lineup of guests, and why it's crucial to choose those who truly resonate with your core audience.

Discover the drive and passion that powers my podcast and how it's touched lives globally. I’ll take you through my personal experiences of overcoming initial fears, the fulfillment I get from this project, and the unexpected popularity of solo episodes. From the effort and planning it takes to reach a worldwide audience, to the continual evolution and adaptation required, this episode is a treasure trove for aspiring podcasters.

Embrace the journey, tap into your core motivations, and find out how you too can make a meaningful impact through podcasting.



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Speaker 1:

Welcome to Becoming Fearless, the personal growth podcast for you if you are ready to overcome fear and step into your greatness. Our purpose is to help you overcome your limits, have loads of fun along the way, unlocking your fullest potential in life, business, health and relationships every single day. I'm your host, charlotte Carter, a high performance coach and entrepreneur with over 20 years experience. I'm your host, charlotte Carter, a high-performance coach and entrepreneur with over 20 years experience. I've supported many highly driven, talented people like you who dream big and are ready to take action to overcome what's holding them back. Each week, my guests and I will be sharing hacks and habits on how to build self-belief, courage and confidence, to master your mindset and navigate your emotions so that you can reach your human potential in a way that feels light, fun and easeful and helps you become fearless. Let's go. Hello and welcome to another episode of Becoming Fearless.

Speaker 1:

This is a very special episode. It is a solo episode and I am recording it the day before the podcast is three months old. So for those of you that haven't listened to the first episode, that's all about becoming fearless. There's a story in there about how I wanted to bring this podcast into the ears of the masses for so, so long. But fear held me back, energy held me back, all sorts of things held me back. I didn't feel in that ready energy when I got myself set and focused and able to bring this to the world and to your ears. I was very much in that space of do you know what? This is going to be? Something that I'm going to have to navigate how to keep my freshness and newness with it. As a high performer, as a high achiever, as somebody who loves doing new things, because it's the core of who I am that bit hasn't wavered. I knew that before I started. Three months in, it's even stronger than ever. This is one of the big purposes of my business, of my life, of my education, of my inspiration to share with people other people's stories, my own personal story, how I've navigated my mind, my energy to take action and do the thing that I may have otherwise never, ever, got to do. So I've created this episode, which is about five important lessons I've learned since launching the podcast. So I know a lot of people have a podcast in there to-do list, in there to-do pile. Yeah, it's coming next. It's coming next.

Speaker 1:

The first lesson that I have is there is quite a lot of work in a podcast hosting it, launching it, seeking the guests and you need a plan. You need a plan for yourself, for your team, and you need a plan for the strategy of what you're going to do and what you're going to talk about and a plan for your energy, because this is what I learned in the first three months. At first, I opened up the spaces for people to book on at any time and I was doing podcast hosting all sorts of times and it was jumping in and between my client sessions. It was all I gave myself the opportunity to get ahead with bookings. But the energy that that took was that sometimes I would be recording a lot in a week and I realized that didn't suit me. So over the first three months I've realized the plan and there are just set times and set dates that people can book now. So that's definitely something that I would advise tune into yourself. You want to do a block book, a week, or a week for a month, or a block book? You know, two weeks and get three months or six months done. Do you want to have it stacked like that or do you want to have them more, um less time to book, but more frequent, if you know what I mean. So for me personally, my energy is like I let's just get this person on and then let's get them out. So we've changed it slightly. So there'll be more and more people who are booked in and their episodes will come out fairly soon after we have recorded them. So that's number one. The first one you need a plan. Create a plan that works for you and bring in a flexible plan for that first um three months, so that you can see what works, what feels good, what feels easy, what feels light and what is um the greatest experience for you. Is it serving you? So ask yourself that question as well.

Speaker 1:

Number two this is like the tech side of the podcast. So I found this out because I've had global people on the podcast and some people who are outside the country that I'm in don't have Chrome, which the package that I use uses Chrome. So Riverside that I record on uses Chrome, and so some people have to download Chrome and they may not have been aware of that. I wasn't aware of that until somebody came on and said that that's what they needed to do. So the tech is something that you have to bear in mind as well. The tech in, interestingly, in people recording as well. We've learned for people who have come on, who haven't got a microphone, their sound is not quite the same as people who come on and have a microphone. So all of that kind of tech stuff we have learned in these first three months. So, again, tune in to what's required for yourself, for your tech, your systems, your booking, your emails. Make sure people know what's going on. We have learned that as we've gone and we've got a smoother system now, like with everything, but there's always space for refinement, like with everything.

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So, number three, let's talk about guests. So guests, guests are fabulous. I have enjoyed every single guest that I have had and welcomed on to the Becoming Fearless podcast. We've had a real mixture of people. I have many people who would love to come on the podcast, a lot of people who would love to come on the podcast, and it's really important for me to generate people and attracting people onto the podcast that I know my core listeners are going to really benefit from, really learn from, really be inspired from and, you know, enjoy listening and it's really, really interesting. I am up for so many conversations and I'm bringing different types of guests to the podcast. Bringing different types of guests to the podcast to share different aspects of life, to share different aspects of navigating things and understanding how they can show up in the world and what it is that they're really here to do and how they can be seen and heard and accepted for who they are and all of those kind of things. So I'm excited to bring in all different guests. If you want to be a guest, then please do dm me on instagram or look at the show notes below how to get hold of me and we can have a conversation and see if it's the right thing.

Speaker 1:

I am looking to record lots more guests with more men. I've only got female, a lot of females. I've only got a lot of females on. I've only got a handful of men. So I want to get more men on the episodes. So it's things like that refining and seeing things like that as I go, understanding that ultimately, the focus of this podcast is about personal development and growth. It's about people listening and reflecting and going. Well, do you know what I learned? This, or I took part of that away, or that resonated with me, or that piece was something that I just wasn't aware of. And so growing their awareness, growing their growth and being able to have it stack listening to the podcast where they're going for a walk or some fresh air or something like that, away from the screen, that's another big, powerful driver for me.

Speaker 1:

So number four is listeners my fabulous, fabulous, fabulous listeners, who I absolutely adore. I have so much gratitude, so much appreciation for each and every one of you. I have had messages from people saying that they listen. Every single week I've had people that are looking forward to episodes that are coming out. I am thinking about asking our listeners more and more and more and more. And remember, listeners, you can join the Becoming Fairless community, the Facebook group that is here. The link is below. It's over on Facebook. It's called the Becoming Fairless community, if you just want to search it out, and I am in there every week doing live so you can get to know me, you can ask some questions, you can have a bit of coaching and see what happens there. But it's a great space, a great community, and I'd like to get more and more people from around the world into that community. So please do come in, say hi, let me know what it is that you are focusing on, where life's taking you, and we can, you know, expand your mind or ground you or do whatever it is. That's the next step in the journey of life for you. And then, finally, number five this is about me, and I wanted to share this one because this is important.

Speaker 1:

If you're thinking about bringing out a podcast, or you are in the realms of knowing that it's going to be a great idea for your business, but you're not sure that it's going to be a great idea for your business, but you're not sure, ask yourself the questions of what's at the root of why you want to do it. For me, I have an inbuilt driven to help more and more people. I have an inbuilt driven to reach people, and it's not driven by money or sales or anything like that. It's driven by those aha moments that you can hear when you're cooking dinner or when you're out walking the dog, and that can change how you think about yourself, how you think about your environment, your experiences, your life, your possibilities, and, bit by bit, change can happen in a way that feels good for you.

Speaker 1:

And so when I came to record the podcast and when I came to bring it out into the world for all of you listening. I'm like I had the fair visibility, fair judgment, all of those things, but ultimately at my core it's like this is what I was born to do and this is what I'm here to do and this is what I stand for on so many levels, so many levels that actually, after three months, it's just all been cemented, it's all been finalized, it's all been um confirmed, and so I sit here in the space of being in 22 different countries, which just blows my mind, 22 different countries, just from a little girl like me. There's people all over the world that I may never, ever meet, that I may never, ever see their smile, I may never, ever know what it is that they listen to and why it resonates and the impact in their life, and for me that is just like beautiful and precious and very, very fulfilling. So, 22 countries, the listeners super grateful for you, for everywhere you are 175 cities, I think, and we are growing and growing, and growing. So the podcast is a huge, huge achievement, and anyone thinking about bringing one out don't underestimate the time it takes, don't underestimate the, the planning, don't underestimate the energy and all of those things. But please don't underestimate the passion that you can bring the purpose, the drive, the ownership of who you are and the ripple effect of your messages, your wisdom, your inspiration, your intelligence, your energy, your power, your purpose out to the masses. So if you are there listening, I'm so grateful to you all. But if you are there listening to this particular episode and thinking I would love to bring a podcast, then listen to this, to this journal around it, see what comes up. Reach out to me if you've got any questions. But ultimately, if it feels right and you have a mission and you really want to get out to more people and you want to encourage more people to take advice or listen to you or be inspired by what it is that you're sharing, then please become fearless around it and take the leap and get it out to the ears of the masses. I am so, so grateful to that version of me that took the leap way back when and built the opportunity, the structure, the team to be able to get it out into the world and build the connections to get the brilliant people on that I have.

Speaker 1:

Another thing that comes from my heart which I am really touched by is that I looked at the stats of the solo episodes and the guest episodes to just sort of see a little bit about the percentage of which what we'll listen to more, and it's really so far in three months it's really, um, similar. Uh, there are quite a few standout episodes that people have really enjoyed. So that's learning for me. Do more of those kind of episodes. Um, but the solo ones I've got a lot of high listeners for my solo ones and my perception before I did this was that more and more and more and more people would listen to the guest ones. So this is an interesting dynamic. I know it will ebb and flow and I know it will change as I change and the podcast grows and the listeners grow and more and more things happen. But I'm excited, I feel super strong. I feel powerful. I feel a real leader of the podcast. Now it's very embedded in the business and in the structure and in myself.

Speaker 1:

So if this is something that you want to do, just absolutely go for it, own it, nail it and grow every single day as it gets out. Remember nothing stays the same. We are forever changing, life is forever changing. We are all an experience that changes and gains momentum. So choose how you want to show up, choose how you want to feel and take action from that space and place Huge, huge love to each and every one of you. I appreciate you more than you have ever. Thank you for tuning into this week's episode. I hope that you're feeling energised, fearless and inspired to take action today, to stand in your greatness, products and services. But you also get brand new podcast episodes delivered straight to your inbox every Monday, meaning you'll never miss your weekly dose of becoming fearless energy. Sign up now at wwwidaretoleapcom forward slash newsletter or click the link in the show notes below.

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