Becoming Fearless

35. Are You Playing Small?

Charlotte Carter

Are you tired of feeling like you're not living up to your true potential? Discover how breaking free from the concept of "playing small" can transform your life in business, health, and relationships.

In this episode I unpack the self-limitations, fears, and societal expectations that often hold high performers and achievers back. Recognising and dismantling these resistances will allow you to unlock your fullest potential and step confidently into your greatness.

I also discuss how to embrace high performance and create a sustainable pathway to success, sharing actionable steps and offers to help you seize opportunities and stand strong in your accomplishments.



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Speaker 1:

Welcome to Becoming Fearless, the personal growth podcast for you if you are ready to overcome fear and step into your greatness. Our purpose is to help you overcome your limits, have loads of fun along the way, unlocking your fullest potential in life, business, health and relationships every single day. I'm your host, charlotte Carter, a high performance coach and entrepreneur with over 20 years experience. I'm your host, charlotte Carter, a high-performance coach and entrepreneur with over 20 years experience. I've supported many highly driven, talented people like you who dream big and are ready to take action to overcome what's holding them back. Each week, my guests and I will be sharing hacks and habits on how to build self-belief, courage and confidence, to master your mindset and navigate your emotions so that you can reach your human potential in a way that feels light, fun and easeful and helps you become fearless. Let's go. Hello and welcome to another episode of Becoming Fearless. I hope all is good with you.

Speaker 1:

This episode is a solo episode and I want to bring it to your ears because it's something that I hear time and time and time again. Because it's something that I hear time and time and time again and it's something that I really wanted to explore with you all on this episode and this is the phrase I'm playing small, I'm playing small, I'm playing small. I have heard high performers, high achievers, say this to me I'm clipping my wings, I'm playing down my strengths, I'm playing small, and I'd like you to just sit for a moment and see if that resonates with you. Have there been times in your life, in your business, where you have felt very much like you are playing small or the opposite you're not playing the bigger game, so you're holding yourself back, sometimes playing small and sometimes just not playing what you're capable of, so limiting your potential and capping your capacity as a high performance coach? This is something that intrigues me on so many levels. There are fears that set in, there are beliefs that set in, there are values that set in all around this whole concept of playing small. The energy of the round play is really high vibrational. It generates emotions such as fun, happiness, joy, laughter, and the action of playing is related to you are actually doing so. They're very much action-driven, high vibrational. Playing is a great, great space to be in and playing is great, but when you have the word small, everything feels different. I want you to just let that land as you listen. When you have the word small, everything feels different. Think feels different.

Speaker 1:

So for some of you, it will be something that you can remember as a child oh, you're too small to do that, you're too small to do that. Whether it's go on a roller coaster ride, you're not tall enough. Whether it is an age thing and you're just too small. You may have heard it as a child. It may be something that you. It's not fair. It triggers this small piece that I'm just not available for now. I'm five foot two, I think. Um, I'm fairly small, I'm the smallest in my family, um, and I'm bold and I stand strong in that. It's not something that really affected me, but when it came into the business space, it's like oh, I hear this phrase in a different guise now, I hear it related to business, and then I can identify with it in different guises as I went through my journey and this is what I want you to think about for yourself.

Speaker 1:

Whether it's business, health, relationships, happiness, are there areas where you know you are shrinking yourself. You are blending to fit in. You are curbing your capacity. You are quietening your strengths capacity. You are quietening your strengths. You are stopping and halting and pausing your potential. You're putting limits on your life, limits on your greatness, and it's all you're doing. It's all something that you are controlling. You are stopping yourself, you are blocking yourself, and it's a very interesting topic that I talk about with a lot of my one-to-one clients when we talk about the concept of resistance.

Speaker 1:

What are you resisting? Because whatever you resist, it persists, it's going to hang around. And what is it that you are not allowing? For example, a lot of high performers, high achievers. They resist it being easy. They don't allow it to be easy. It's got to be hard, I've got to prove it, I've got to work for it. They don't allow it to be easeful, or in time, or in space, or any of those kind of things.

Speaker 1:

So I want you to think about this playing small, what are you avoiding? What are you afraid of? What are the pieces of the puzzle that you've yet to uncover for yourself? What are the parts of the journey that you know you are resisting? If I ask you right now, what are you resisting? What comes up? Resisting, looking at your resistance, resisting going there, resisting sitting in the uncomfortable, resisting, admitting that you are playing small. Resist, resisting anything Because, ultimately, in terms of high performance and becoming fearless.

Speaker 1:

We want to get into that greatest potential that we are. We want to stand strong in it and we want to claim it. We want to hold all our desires in our highest intentions and take the steps and take the actions to move towards them at a pace that feels good for us, knowing and trusting that we can ride the rhythm of life. We can navigate the highs and lows, the emotional roller coaster. We can move through pieces that serve us and be able to release pieces that don't. We can navigate all of this and so much more and be able to be in that space of aliveness.

Speaker 1:

When you're playing small, it's like you are preventing yourself, you are holding yourself back. You can see the prize, you can see the dream, you can feel it, you can taste it. The desire is all there, but you also, in a very particular way, are blocking it. You are the solution and you are the problem. If you're playing small, you are the solution and you are the problem. If you're playing small, you are the solution and you are the problem. So if you are an action taker, a high performer, and you want to solve this solution, you've got to sometimes look within. Sometimes there will be parts of the solution externally. They may be in your environment, they may be in your relationships. They may be in your environment. They may be in your relationships. They may be in your health. They may be how you're showing up.

Speaker 1:

But the majority of the aspects of the growth is the inner success, the inner coach, within the feelings. The wellness and the ultimate achievement of life satisfaction comes from within. When we have a complete sense of self-worth, when we own who we are, we can stand strong in that. When we are crystal clear on our values, who we are and what we stand values, who we are and what we stand for and who we are showing up as then playing small is just not going to happen, because you're not seeking to be anything other than yourself, and being yourself is exactly who you are. It's the size that you are, it's the energy that you embody, it's the size that you are, it's the energy that you embody, it's the space that you are with the personality you have, it's all of your aspects of self that you bring to the party, to the play, to the playing, knowing that all you ever need is within. But you also know that you can block it. So how do you find your own key? How do you do this kind of stuff?

Speaker 1:

My invitation, first of all, is to ask yourself this question Am I playing small? Do I consider that I'm playing small? Would I love to play a bigger game? Am I ready for a bigger game? Can I hold a bigger game? Do I know what a bigger game? Can I hold a bigger game? Do I know what bigger game even looks like, feels like? Have I got any details on it? Am I avoiding playing the bigger game?

Speaker 1:

And start to get some reality checks with yourself, understand who you are, what you're here for and how you show up in the world, and understand that everything you do is a byproduct of what's going on within you. So if you feel great, you feel alive, you feel on fire, go and do the thing. If you're feeling like you are a little bit exhausted, you are feeling a little bit run down, you're feeling a little bit overwhelmed, take some time out. Give yourself a breather, practice some self-compassion. No-transcript. So invitations today Are you ready to play the game of your life, the game that's only for you, where you're the one that move up the board, you're the one that get the rewards. You're the one that instigates the change. You're the one that owns the change. You're the one that navigates the feelings to get to the next step, whilst being grounded and present in who you are and what you are here to do.

Speaker 1:

This is a topic that I love on so many levels, because everybody is entitled to be whoever they want in this world, to show up in however they are, whatever shape, size, form that is, and be wholeheartedly, authentically themselves. And yet so many people fall into the spaces of people pleasing, overgiving, comparisonitis, bending themselves to fit in, squashing themselves to fit in, when all you ever need to do is be yourself, stand strong in that and love yourself from the inside out. Take care, ask yourself those questions. Are you playing small? And if you are, remember that you are the solution. I'm here to help in many, many ways.

Speaker 1:

If this is something that resonates with you today, I've got offers that can help you in all of the different price points, so please do let me know if things come up, send me a mention, send me a dm on instagram or any of the details that below the podcast, and get in touch and we can have a chat about how you can find out what the bigger game is. Play the bigger game. Create your high performance pathway to success, own it, stand strong in it and sustainable in it too. So take care, I'll see you on the next episode. Thank you for tuning into this week's episode.

Speaker 1:

I hope that you're feeling energized, fearless and inspired to take action today to stand in your greatness. I share even more tools and resources on my I dare to leap email newsletter. By signing up, you not only get early access to the I dare to leap products and services, but you also get brand new podcast episodes delivered straight to your inbox every Monday, meaning you'll never miss your weekly dose of Becoming Fearless energy. Sign up now at wwwidaretoleapcom. Forward slash newsletter or click the link in the show notes below.

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