Becoming Fearless

39. The Two Main Mindset Blocks For Entrepreneurs: Unawareness And Inaction

Charlotte Carter

Can understanding your subconscious routines unlock the secrets to your success and well-being?

I delve deep into how half of your daily actions are governed by habits you might not even be aware of, and how these can either propel you towards or hold you back from achieving love, happiness, health, and abundance. Whether you find yourself feeling stuck and unsure of what steps to take next, or you know exactly what to do but struggle with taking action, this episode will help you identify where you stand and how to move forward fearlessly.

Embark on a journey of self-awareness and personal growth as we explore the importance of creating internal space and clarity. We cover the necessity of addressing internal blocks, such as unexamined beliefs, fears, and triggers, to align your actions with your true self. Learn to build a self-reflection practice that fosters trust in your inner wisdom, enabling you to seamlessly navigate different phases of growth and achieve your goals. By understanding and owning your current state, you can develop a new plan that aligns with your highest aspirations and empowers you to take confident, fearless action. Tune in for an inspiring conversation designed to help you unlock your fullest potential and master the art of high performance habits.



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Speaker 1:

Welcome to Becoming Fearless, the personal growth podcast for you if you are ready to overcome fear and step into your greatness. Our purpose is to help you overcome your limits, have loads of fun along the way, unlocking your fullest potential in life, business, health and relationships every single day. I'm your host, charlotte Carter, a high performance coach and entrepreneur with over 20 years experience. I'm your host, charlotte Carter, a high-performance coach and entrepreneur with over 20 years experience. I've supported many highly driven, talented people like you who dream big and are ready to take action to overcome what's holding them back. Each week, my guests and I will be sharing hacks and habits on how to build self-belief, courage and confidence, to master your mindset and navigate your emotions so that you can reach your human potential in a way that feels light, fun and easeful and helps you become fearless. Let's go Hi and welcome to another episode of Becoming Fearless.

Speaker 1:

I am excited to bring this episode to you. I am wrapping it all up with wild, wild, expansive energy, and I want you to really listen in to the words that I'm saying and the way that I am delivering this episode, so that you can uncover for yourself what's really behind what might be holding you back. Today I want to talk about being in two different camps. Today I want to talk about being in two different camps. There are people that I work with, high performers all over the world, and ultimately we always end up at a place, a crossroad, should we say, where it's choice A or choice B, or camp A or camp B, to be able to dive deeper into what's really holding them back, on whatever level it is Mindset, energy, physical, whatever space we are working in in that particular moment of time. So I want to explain a little aspect of high performance habit building. Habits are simply routines that we have day to day. Half of our life is habits. Half of our habits are subconscious. For every two minutes that we live, one minute, you are living out a subconscious habit. Half your life is subconscious habits. When I first heard that stat, I was like this is just blowing my mind. Like you know, every minute of every couple of minutes, there's something playing out.

Speaker 1:

Now, when you want to create habits for success, habits for high performance habits, for refinement habits, to reach top of your game whilst feeling grounded and wildly expansive, and know that there is more and more and more, and with ease, you have to create space and you have to create certainty in yourself. And the most powerful aspect that you have to, without a doubt, honour is the feeling the habits are going to give you. The feeling is what creates the craving, which is what is the brain's motivator. The feeling creates the craving, which is the motivator within the brain for you to do the thing. So ask yourself, what feelings do you really desire? What are those top feelings? Do you want to feel more love, more happiness, more wealth? Do you want to feel healthier? Do you want to feel more love, more happiness, more wealth? Do you want to feel healthier? Do you want to feel more abundant? Do you want to feel more knowledgeable? Do you want to feel more of a leader? What is it that you would like to feel more of? And then think about what are the habits that you can build to generate more of that feeling. For example, if you want to feel healthier, what are the habits you can build around? What it is that you eat, what it is that you drink, how you move your body, how much sleep you have, how much rest you have, how much restoration you have, those kind of things. But ultimately, what is the feeling that you crave when you are the healthiest version of yourself, because allow yourself to step into that version of you that are that elevated version of you that is already super healthy, and what are the feelings that come alongside in parallel with that healthy version? For example, a lot of people that I work with, health and wealth are intrinsically linked. Health, wealth and high performance are intrinsically linked. Health, wealth, high performance and achievement are all linked. See what it is for you. Where are the connections, where are the pieces, where is the ripple effect of the work that you do? So that then, when you are resisting something to do with enhancing your health, you're like, actually, you know, when I've nailed this or if I allow myself to do this, I'm going to have all of these feelings for everything else, that is interconnected.

Speaker 1:

So let's go back to the two camps the two camps that I mentioned at the beginning and tune into yourself and let yourself answer which camp you are in. First camp I'm stuck, I'm stagnant, I just don't know what to do. I feel like I'm at a crossroads, I don't know where to turn. I feel like there's all these options and I'm just not doing any because I don't know what to do, or I don't know clearly what my options are, or I don't know my next step. This is the awareness camp.

Speaker 1:

If you're in that camp, this is the you want to become more aware. You want to become more aware. You want to become more aware of what all of the actions are, or what your choices are, or, ultimately, become aware of what is that next step. For you, this piece of becoming aware is all about yourself becoming aware of your own identity. So, if you're in that space, if you're feeling stuck, so if you're in that space, if you're feeling stuck, stagnant, there is a whole piece around you in that space.

Speaker 1:

The other space is or the other camp, should we say is for people who they know what they've got to do. They know all the things they've got to do to enhance their life, to create a life that they love. They know all the things. They're just not doing them and they're not doing any of them. They are in inaction mode. So you're either in inaction mode, seeking action, or you're in unawareness mode, seeking awareness. They're the two camps. So let's dive deeper into the two camps so that you can truly understand a little bit more about how you can show up for yourself in taking the next aligned action for you to move yourself out of that camp.

Speaker 1:

So let's talk about the first one I talked about, which is the unaware. You want to be more aware of how you think, feel and behave so that clarity comes in for you to take the next step on your awareness journey. Some of this will be about how you show up for yourself. Some of this will be about love for yourself. Some of this will be about your relationship with fear. Some of this will be about your relationship with your beliefs. Who do you believe you are? Who do you believe you are becoming? How can you bridge that gap? What are the spaces? Where are the lessons? Where are the learnings? Where are the gaps? There's a huge piece in this part around you.

Speaker 1:

My invitation, if you are in that place, is look within, go within to find or seek or create space to allow clarification, to drop answers, to drop journal prompts for you to work through, to drop affirmations for you to believe in, to drop all of those kind of things. If you are in that space, it is within you and there is some part where there is some answers within to find. Sometimes it is to go on a deeper journey, work with people one-to-one, to uncover some of the blocks. For certain, sometimes it is to go within, a deeper journey within yourself. Sometimes it is to seek way more knowledge, way more knowledge of self-awareness, way more knowledge of personal growth, because you don't know what you don't know and when you build a bank of personal growth, awareness and self-awareness like never before, you are unstoppable. This part of the work that I teach, but also of the work that I've done on myself, is immeasurable in terms of success, in terms of satisfaction and in terms of how I show up in the world, in terms of certainty of self. So, if you're in that space, have a listen to that and see which ones stand out, see which ones are going to create the biggest impact for you. Don't allow yourself to get overwhelmed. Just listen and think is it my beliefs? Is it fear? Is it my education? Is it something that I just need to slow down and listen? Is it I need to tune into my inner guidance system?

Speaker 1:

Then there is the other camp, and a lot of people that I'm speaking to at the moment are in this camp. I'm intrigued by this camp. I really have a lot of curiosity about people who are in this camp. Many, many people in the online space own up to being in this space. So this is the space where I know what to do. I have the knowledge.

Speaker 1:

So they've moved through the awareness bit. They have the knowledge of what they've got to do. They might not have necessarily moved in the awareness internally, but they've moved in their awareness externally. So they have an external plan to follow to achieve what it is that they would like to achieve. Whether that's in business, health relationships, whatever it is that they would like to achieve, whether that's in business health relationships, whatever it is that they are focusing on. They have an action plan, detailed or fairly loosely structured, that they can follow. It's right out there in front of them. They know it. They're just not doing it. This is the inaction part of human behaviour.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I know what to do, I'm just not doing it. I know exactly what to do, I know the steps to take, but I have a whole heap of resistance to doing it. And if you're in this space, own it. Own. You're in this space because the only way that you're going to get out is to be able to own it.

Speaker 1:

So many people that I talk to they stay in this space. I have people that say to me Charlotte, I wish I'd worked with you a year before, two years before. I was resisting it. I was resisting coming into this space. You have to own it to be able to move through it. And, believe me, on a personal, a personal level, this is tough. This is tough because you're like, well, I know all the things and I'm just not doing them. So where am I going?

Speaker 1:

Because, really, you're putting your excuses to bed. You are laying everything out on the table and you're like this is me in the rawness, this is me in the realness. Yeah, I know what to do, I'm not doing it. So let's just actually uncover what's happening. And I want to reassure you. It's a human part of human growth, potential and development. But unless you are brave enough, courageous enough and honest enough with yourself, you're not going to change, you're not going to move through that phase ever until you are really clear, really honest and really open. So what happens when you've got all your cards on the table? The excuses are in the bin. You're like come on, let's just do it.

Speaker 1:

You want to look at what are the beliefs that you hold around, the version of you that's not doing it? What are the beliefs you hold around the version of you that's not doing it? What are the beliefs you hold around the version of you that is doing it? What are the fears that sit underneath those beliefs? Where are the fears that sit underneath them? What are those fears? Visibility, judgement, rejection, many, many fears. Understand that for yourself. What's going on? What are the going on? What are the triggers? What are the um stretches? Where are the struggles? And be open and honest and get really clear on that, because when you do, you have a different plan. You are winning because you have the plan that you had, that you're going to follow, and then you have the plan that's going to kick, start you into action, to activate you executing the plan that you have.

Speaker 1:

Tune in to the feelings. The brain loves the feelings. The feelings are the brain's cravings. As I always say, how good can you feel? How easy can it be? How much fun can you have? Ask yourself those questions time and time and time again what's going on for you? What's happening in your awareness, what's happening in your you, what's happening in your awareness, what's happening in your energy, what's happening in your action? And ask yourself which camp am I in and understand for yourself how we weave between these two spaces, how we weave between these two spaces. But the ultimate place for you is to have certainty in yourself to follow the plan, deviate from the plan when you need to Create a new plan when you need to, and the trust within yourself and your inner wisdom that it's all coming good, that everything is aligning as it should, that everything is working out as it should, and know 100% when it is time for you to seek other support, where it's time for you to seek other support, where it's time for you to seek support on your personal growth and awareness, where it's time for you to seek support on your inaction and behaviour, where it's time for you to seek support and then understand what that support is.

Speaker 1:

Is it listening to a podcast? Not really. On some level, if you really want to get the deep action, the podcast like I stand by, like Becoming Fearless gives you education. You've got to then see if you are aware enough in yourself to self-act, to self-direct, to own the understanding from the podcast and then make changes and then stick by them and then keep that process. Is it a program? Is there a course where you can learn and listen and embody and integrate as you go. That is what activated us for people for certain. I teach it, I'm in it, we learn and we embody as we go. So by the end of activating you are already integrated. It's not something that you go off and then come out the drop out the end and you're like I don't know, I learned a load of information but I've not integrated. You learn and integrate as you go. It's an embodiment program.

Speaker 1:

Or are you seeking some one-to-one support from anyone that's going to help you uncover either that whole business strategy plan, because it's not feeling aligned, or the whole personal strategy plan in terms of getting your action in or getting your awareness up? Is that feeling more what you seek? Understand for yourself that ultimately I know more than anyone myself. No one knows me better than myself. Some people definitely help me along the way by shining a light. That's why I have one-to-one coaches, that's why I go and mastermind, that's why I invest with experts all over the world. But ultimately the dynamic that in all of those relationships I have with my mentors is for me to understand me and me to be able to fly with the knowledge that they help me uncover that, they help provide me with that I'm able to step into all of those kind of things. And when you know that for yourself and when you can own that for yourself, it's really empowering and it's really powerful and it's really. It generates a real certainty of self.

Speaker 1:

So I'm excited to get this episode to you. I am keen to hear which camp you're in. I'm going to do more of these kind of episodes where you can identify where you are in the um space. As you listen, you can identify which piece you are in and then you can understand what the next steps are for you to take in that particular journey. I'm excited, look forward to hearing from you. Send me a DM, reach out on Instagram. I'm here. I answer all of my messages. Come to meet on there.

Speaker 1:

Charlotte underscore, high performance performance coach. Let me know which camp you're in. I would love to know and then let's work through how you can move out and, under um the next, understand the next step of your journey of becoming fearless and reaching those unbelievable heights of wild success that right now you may think are not possible because you are pausing. See you on the next episode. Thank you for tuning into this week's episode. I hope that you're feeling energized, fearless and inspired to take action today to stand in your greatness. I share even more tools and resources on my I Dare to Leap email newsletter. By signing up, you not only get early access to the I Dare to Leap products and services, but you also get brand new podcast episodes delivered straight to your inbox every Monday, meaning you'll never miss your weekly dose of becoming fearless energy. Sign up now at wwwidaretoleapcom. Forward slash newsletter. No-transcript.

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