Becoming Fearless

48. A Year Of Living Without Limits with Samantha Hemming

Charlotte Carter

Imagine uprooting your entire life to embark on a year-long adventure with no set plan!

That's exactly what my guest, Samantha Hemming, did. She sold everything she owned, left the UK, and set out to redefine her existence one day at a time.

Join us as Samantha opens up about her 365-day live challenge, where she documents her daily experiences, confronts her fears, and shares the transformative power of being fully present. Her story is a testament to the incredible growth that comes from stepping out of your comfort zone and embracing the unknown.



Samantha's book recommendations:
The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho
The Pilgrimage by Paulo Coelho



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Speaker 1:

Welcome to Becoming Fearless, the personal growth podcast for you if you are ready to overcome fear and step into your greatness. Our purpose is to help you overcome your limits, have loads of fun along the way, unlocking your fullest potential in life, business, health and relationships every single day. I'm your host, charlotte Carter, a high performance coach and entrepreneur with over 20 years experience. I'm your host, charlotte Carter, a high-performance coach and entrepreneur with over 20 years experience. I've supported many highly driven, talented people like you who dream big and are ready to take action to overcome what's holding them back. Each week, my guests and I will be sharing hacks and habits on how to build self-belief, courage and confidence, to master your mindset and navigate your emotions so that you can reach your human potential in a way that feels light, fun and easeful and helps you become fearless. Let's go.

Speaker 1:

Hello and welcome to another episode of Becoming Fearless.

Speaker 1:

I am super honoured, privileged and mega excited to bring this episode to you for a number of reasons this is a guest episode and it's with a lady that I've never spoken to before until she's come on the podcast today, and we have met in a brilliant program that we're in called Enigma, with Amanda Farah, who has been another one of my guests on Becoming Filler, so go and check out her episode.

Speaker 1:

If you know, when we talk about Amanda Farah, that's what it is. Enigma, where we met initially and Sam came into my awareness as somebody who was definitely on a journey of becoming fearless, like a life-changing journey, a transformational time, and I've brought many guests into the episodes for you all to listen to. They all have a different angle and today it's something that I don't think you'll meet many people like Sam. You won't meet many people that are doing the journey that she's doing, that she's chosen to do, and the realizations and the revelations and the aha moments she's had already. So first of all, let me introduce, allow Sam to introduce herself and let people know a little bit about who she is and what she's doing.

Speaker 2:

OK, ok. So, thank you. I've literally got like flooding with shivers here just listening, like listening to that and being here. So thank you first of all. So, yeah, so I'm Samantha Hemming and I am, and, um, I am so, obviously, yeah, similar to you.

Speaker 2:

I've been on the sort of energetic spiritual journey doing all the doing all the internal work, but I think I'd got to a point where I realized that we've also got to do the external stuff as well. And you know, there's, there's, there's, it's about living life. So I set myself a little, well, a big personal, big personal challenge actually to do a 365 day live journey of me basically selling up and packing up my life in the UK and then going off in search of a new life. There was a part of an intention that was to find a new place in the world to settle, um, you know, a new home, so to speak. But I can already feel that, as this journey's evolving, it's like that's gone. You know that that long-term outcome has kind of gone out the window because I've just gone into that being so present.

Speaker 2:

So, yeah, it's a 365 figuring it out, figuring out life live, to challenge myself, to overcome my own fears, my own hurdles and to just basically blow that prescribed life that we're all led to think is the only way out of the water, and I've got no idea how this is going to show up. And sometimes I have that oh God, like I've got to show up, live with this, when it's been a, you know, crazy day, but yeah, that's, that's what I'm doing so I told you listeners that this episode is going to blow your mind, because who do you know?

Speaker 1:

just take a moment to just listen and land what Sam's just said. She's, she's taken a year out of her original life, or the life that she knew that she was familiar with, with no other intention other than that commitment to give 365 days onto this experiential part of her being and part of her journey. And so, first of all, tune in. Do you know anybody else that's on that? I don't. So I'm super excited to chat with Sam. Tune in to yourself.

Speaker 1:

Would you ever do anything like that? Would you ever sign up to do anything like that? What are the fears that come up for you? Is it a hell? No, is it? Oh, I'm super curious. Is it maybe when the kids are older? Is it? I'd like to, but I probably won't. What comes up for you? Just ask yourself those questions. First of all, because let's go back for Sam in that time, maybe like last year, like when you were saying, sort of like Christmas time, the end of last year. We're recording this in 2020, mid 2024, so we've gone back about six months. Sam's been on her journey three months so far, but I understand that you were at this place where you like like, actually this is when you made the decision, so can you just let people know where you were then and what kind of got you to that first place?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I think, to be honest, this is really important because I think so. I was a person I've been on a you know a seven year sort of journey up to get me to this point. You know I won't go through the whole seven years, but it was you know seven year sort of journey up to get me to this point. Um, you know I won't go through the whole seven years, but it was, you know, experiencing burnout, you know all the mental health, emotional well-being stuff. So then, going on this journey of various healing modalities, energetics, blah, blah, doing so much of the internal work, um, and feeling, you know, quite, um, accomplished in that sense, but what I noticed was I was getting more and more frustrated. It was really bizarre because it was like, on the one hand, you feel like everything should be getting better, and I think, in terms of where I was, mentally it was. But then there's also this other massive part of me that's like my life still looks the same, that my life is still looking too much the same. For, for how much stuff has occurred in this period, in this time? This is not what my life should be looking like, almost like this isn't good enough. There was a real. There was a real like resolve and conviction growing inside of me and I've always had this thing of never wanting the, you know, the life that we're all sold of. You know, go to school, go to uni, get a job, do the job forever. I mean, every time I've got a job and someone's going, oh great, you can settle down, and I'm just like, oh, that for me is, oh no, that's not living. Um, and what was happening is and I think this does happen for us when we're not, when we're not listening and we're not making the move and taking the action that we're supposed to be taking what started happening for me was it was like I was helping and being a part of everybody else around me, getting all these things that they wanted, like their amazing job, their amazing relationship, and it was almost like being in the air, like you know, because I'm from Stoke-on-Trent. Every time I was kind of like going, trying to go down a path. It just felt like doors were like slamming in my face. I can't even tell you how strange it was. So it was literally like right, ok.

Speaker 2:

And I just remember sort of having a moment of absolute screaming rage one day with my housemate. I was like I just literally want to run off, like I want to just leave this life, and because I've got a dog back home, and she was like she was like I'll take the dog. She was like you go do what you need to do. She was like, oh, you've got 12 months go. And she literally said you've got 12 months go, figure it out. Um, so that was kind of already in motion and there was, you know, there was another sort of quite pivotal day where um and I'd said to one of my coaches at the time a number of times, like I just want to start from scratch, like the life that I was living.

Speaker 2:

By that point, you know, it didn't feel like my life, because my life felt like so much more. So there was quite a lot of at that time. There was quite a lot of dissatisfaction, there was quite a lot of lack of fulfillment dissatisfaction. There was quite a lot of lack of fulfillment. I was supporting somebody else in their vision and their dream and that was causing a lot of, you know, dis-ease inside of me because it's like yeah, but what about? There's always that. I think there's always that tapping on the shoulder isn't there about. You know, yeah, but what about your dreams, what about your plans? And I think so often we, we distract ourselves because we're scared to go for our dreams. Like, it makes me really emotional, actually, as I'm saying this because it's easier to distract ourselves than to go. Do you know what? I really want this and I'm going to go for it, but that feels scary.

Speaker 1:

So let's just talk about that, because that's a real big point for the people that listen to Becoming Fearless. Because this is a pattern and I want to touch just on it because it, you know, brought emotion for you because this is a pattern of overgiving, isn't it? It's the pattern of overgiving that a lot of people that I attract into my world have. I have. You have this pattern where you know you're here to help the masses because you can see how you can help them and you can help them and you can help them get their vision, and it's all. It brings you an element of joy for certain, but it's like their vision's slightly higher than yours and this perspective change has not quite landed where we want to get in terms of high performance and in terms of where you are. Now. You've skewed it the other way. We want to get to the place where we settle, don't we? We get to this place where we are at the um. Our vision is encompassing all the other people as well, but our vision is holding our own stuff first, exactly like you say, and that I reckon must have been that tipping point for you.

Speaker 1:

So sorry, I just wanted to highlight that for people that. Listen, they were in that over giving bit. So if you resonate that over giving, you might do Sam's journey, go on this massive, wonderful journey. But just note to yourself this are you putting other people above yourself? Do you have a fear of your greatness? Is there a piece within you that is absolutely terrified of owning your full brilliance? Yeah, so let's go on from there, sam.

Speaker 2:

Just on that point though there was, I had a point doing some, I think, some energy, work, and it was it really landed for me that I'd actually made a massive identity as well. Out of putting everybody else first. It had become, you know, my right to exist was abridged to doing, you know, doing for other people and, and you know me, staying small and only doing for other people. And when that? The day when that dropped, that was, I think that was the day when it was like no more, no more now, because and God, that's what I would say to anybody listening like, your life comes first, your dream comes first.

Speaker 2:

And I think you know I was sort of said, asked you know, do you want to come and do this thing with me? And you know, even though it's been a beautiful thing, there's part of me that wishes I would like, you know, do your thing, do your thing, put your you know and let go of the identities, of helping everybody else first. It's you know, and this is the energy we're both working in now, isn't it? It's me first, it's me first, and God, when you feel that, and you feel the truth of that and the conviction in that, life changes, my life has changed, like I've just said to you, just like the things that have happened in the past three months. They would never have happened if I wouldn't have done this, if I wouldn't have done this.

Speaker 1:

Do you think there's an element, Sam, where you can't, you don't allow yourself to see the possibilities, or is it that your mind's not there? Where do you think it is where for people listening, because you and I are on the same page, but the people just a step before. Do you think that they can't see it? They don't allow themselves. Do you think there's a permission piece? Do you think it's just a mixture of a lot of things? What would you say?

Speaker 2:

You know that piece before things land, I think you just can't see it. You can't see it because you can't allow it. You know we have this. I'm just thinking of the contrast between where I was and where I am now. I'm just thinking now, the contrast between where I was and where I am now.

Speaker 2:

I did not have this level of possibility of things that could happen in my awareness, because we're only aware of what we're aware of. We can't do you know what I mean. It's like so, and it was so confined and I could. You can only make reference to, reference to. You know, if you've seen bits on films or if you've seen bits, read bits in books, you can maybe draw on that for reference. But you can't. Our minds won't, I think. I think almost like maybe they're not able to or at just at that point. Not, they are, because they really are able to, but it's our just conditioned perspective.

Speaker 2:

We, we can't, we can't go beyond that. We can't see all that whole vast world of possibility until and it takes me back to it's um, takes me back to a quote that a friend sent me at the time it's um, is it's? Is it a roomy quote? Like you can't, you don't see the way or step out onto the way, and the way appears. Yeah, I had no idea of the possibility until I took the first step, and then it was, but I can't tell you how fast it happens, though. When you take that first step, like all a whole new row of steps appears that were like oh right, okay, god, like okay, but your mind will still fight you to try and keep you back in the like the run back home zone, and I've really had to, you know, I've really had to push through that, even doing the work that I'd already done, which is probably why I haven't done it till now. But yeah, I think we just can't. We can't imagine how amazing life could be. We can't because we're so stuck in our own limits.

Speaker 1:

I think is is what I think is why and I think there's a massive piece and this is what I want to touch on next is about being out of your environment. Isn't it about being out of your when you're in what I call the tunnel vision? You're in the blinkers and you can't open your blinkers and see what else is even possible for you. And I think, changing your environment, changing your state I talk a lot about changing your state, changing your physical environment, like you are, like on such a scale that you are talk people through that first couple of days when you first you decided, you booked and you're on your flight. Where was the first place you flew to?

Speaker 2:

so the first place I flew to was Spain, because I went with and I did actually do the first part of my journey just by chance, I'd booked my flight to a, like a permaculture community which is, you know, absolute beautiful place in Spain, in Mair it's called so like rural Spain, just an hour away from Barcelona, so that that initial part, in the end, what happened was a couple of friends had said oh, you know, we're going to come at the same time, which was actually, I think. I think possibly I maybe needed that, and I didn't feel like I was copping out by having that, actually, because it was just that sort of like okay, off, you go to the first step. I mean, there's no doubt in me I would have done it anyway, I was doing it anyway, um, but that that's another thing that I would say as well. I think sometimes I'm I'm really one for, you know, thinking you've got to do everything to the absolute extreme without any support or without any resource, and you don't have to do that. It's like that for me, you know, was just that little bit of resource that I needed to get me on my way, you know, to build that confidence right. Okay, we did step one, um.

Speaker 2:

So actually my first step was I spent a month on a permaculture community in Spain doing all sorts of things, you know building um, learning permaculture, driving trailers, you know, like real getting your hands dirty kind of stuff, and having some really super profound conversations with the two people, the two people that ran it and straight away being completely I mean, because that is raw that you know there's no, there's no toilets, there's no. You know, you sort of it's very, very basic, there's no. You know amenities, so to speak. It's like you know you're in the middle of nowhere with very few, with very few amenities. So that was, like, you know, a real contrast. But just just, yeah, just amazing, just amazing to experience that and when you left there and left your friends.

Speaker 1:

I think that's a let's just touch on that point a minute in terms of I talk about high achievers and high performers and having this thread of duality, of extremes, things like being really good or really hard or being really successful or really, you know, um, on the brink of you know, everything falling apart, having these like having an adrenaline rush and a thrill of having the extremes, and I think there's a middle ground, um and I've talked about this recently in a few of my programs about having magic in the mundane and, for some people, this extreme lifestyle in the high performers, the extreme mindset actually, once they can start getting themselves feeling more present in the safety and some of the stuff around them and being more present in their bodies, then they start to receive some support that they might have pushed away.

Speaker 1:

They start to change and then they may open up different opportunities. There may be different jobs, different people to meet and different things that come up along their way, but I think that extreme and that giving yourself permission to receive support is really, really key. So what happened next? When were you on your own then? When did the friends sort of go back to their everyday life and you carried on your journey.

Speaker 2:

So they left after two weeks, um, and then I spent another two weeks at that place on my own, um, and again that was a completely different dynamic because, um, you know, that was they'd gone, the safety net had almost gone then. So that was kind of like when. Then that was a little bit when reality kicked in of like right, okay, we're doing this now, um, and I knew then it was another couple of weeks before I was going to go off on this journey and my tent, my, you know, and that's the you know, I think, had having not done the you know the somatic work that I've done and all of that, I probably would have done an extreme and gone to somewhere, you know, miles and miles and miles away, and then, but I think that can, that can cause us to fail, because we take too much on, we get too overwhelmed as high achiever and then we just I can really relate to everything that you've just said, actually and um, yeah, so so I just started with a. I was going to travel around South Spain because I was getting to a coaching event down South Spain anyway, so kind of going from, like, north Spain to South Spain. So after the month at the permaculture retreat I went to. So I did a few, like you know, bang bang, bang.

Speaker 2:

A couple of places in quite a short space of time. Places in quite a short space of time, so like Valencia, um, then down to Granada, then down to Estepona, but in quite a short space of time, um, and then did you know this big, big, huge event in Estepona, and so that was quite intense, that was quite fast paced and that within itself brought quite a lot of learning and you know that understanding of I had to sort of reframe for me what traveling meant, because what I realized was, if I'd have tried to continue in that way, I would have very quickly burnt out, because traveling is can be tiring as well, and I don't think anyone sort of you know talks about that at any great depth. It's always like, oh, it's quite glamorized, but actually it can be. It can be tiring as well, and especially if you know you're getting tricky hostels and you know people who want, you know partying through the nights, you know when you're trying to sleep and stuff, and then just getting my head around the whole god, I think that's when it started to hit me like god, I'm actually doing this and whoa, like you know, I've sold all my stuff. Um, I knew, I know I've got no intention sort of going back home, um, you know, to sort of set up a life back in the. It was like, whoa, okay, yeah.

Speaker 2:

So then I bop, bop, bopped all the way down to South Spain and then it was actually I'd got no intention of coming to Morocco. But by that time I'd started to move into a slightly bit different energy of like allowing and like letting go of that need to plan and control. And someone just literally said to me like, oh, while you're down here, you should hop across to. You know, you should go to Marrakesh. Have you ever been? I was like no, no, no. So, literally just looked at flight flight prices there was a flight for 13 euros and then, bang, before I knew it, I'd booked a flight then to Marrakesh, and then I was in Marrakesh like that wasn't even on my radar. Do you know what I mean? Because I did have a very loose plan. But then just to feel, and something that felt such a good decision, just to go, whew, let's do this let's just talk about that um, because I think there will be people listening that can resonate with that um.

Speaker 1:

Let's call it the tipping point. So you know, when people go on their average two-week holiday or people, you know, whatever it is and people, at first of all they start to get a typical high performance. This is a pattern I've seen. The first few days they start to get a little bit of a cold and they're run down because they've been working the socks off, because they wanted to get a million more things done before they went on holiday. So the first three or four days it's acclimatizing. They don't feel great, they're trying to give themselves permission to stop. They're all their energy's all over the place. They're very jittery.

Speaker 1:

Then we get to this sweet spot where they're like actually I'm going to start enjoying it and I've still got quite a lot of time left to enjoy it, and they start really being present in the moment and enjoying what's around them and the company they're in and the scenery and everything like that. And then there's a place where, oh well, we're near the end again and they start to pick back up into that space of who they were and the identity and the energy of who they were. But I think what you've nailed there is that you've gone through at a high, at a different level, that kind of version. So the need, energy, or the um, you know, forcing yourself to relax, space that a lot of high performers have on their like annual break or or five times a year, however they have these breaks the pattern that I see time and time again, they go back into their old ways. So do you feel like you've totally broken free from that old version of you?

Speaker 2:

I feel like if I stay on this path now, yes, I think it's. I think it's very easy to get caught back up in that pattern again, because I think I think there's a lot of things about particularly the western world that is designed to keep us, to keep us functioning, um, in in almost a functional free state. You know, and that's my, that's my opinion, that's my belief, that you know, with the world wants us to be there, and I think actually it takes. A lot of people have said to me oh god, you're so brave, and for me, I think the bravest thing that we can do in life is almost maintain that separateness from, or maintain that conviction that you know I'm not going to get myself caught up in that again. I'm gonna. I'm gonna live a life that feels good, um, that feels good on the inside, rather than this life that's just a whirlwind that I'm just going along with because everybody else is going along with it and you know I'm not saying that's everybody in the western world, because if you're doing what you love, and that's very, very different, but so many people are just on that treadmill. I always think of it as like there's always a foot on the treadmill and even the you know people and I've had that before where you have that, you know, you just about start coming down and just as you start coming down, bang, it flips and you're already thinking about the climb back up again then and to try and get yourself back to that place. That feels normal, that's not. It's not normal. It's not normal for us to be there and, honestly, I could feel, I could feel the point where everything ramped up in my head. Before then there was just this breaking point, because there was all these thoughts of right, what next, what next, what next? And I was just like, just just stop this, just stop, just stop.

Speaker 2:

And I actually started incorporating a little bit of like body-based practice back in again, because that's something else we forget when we're going through the craziness of day to day. And just kind of then, over a period of a few days, because I found myself a place to rent, just to, I just knew as well, I needed to slow the journey down a little bit, because then that's the big thing when we're, when we're functioning, when we're functional, frees or high achievers, everything's generally going very, very fast. It's going so fast that most of the time we can't breathe, we can't think, but it's so normal for us we don't know what the difference is. So I just knew I needed to find a space to be for a slightly longer period of time so that I could actually regulate myself all the way back down and get some flipping clarity. So I booked, I found an apartment and how everything lined up.

Speaker 2:

That's another thing as well, like when you're in flow with your life. If life's feeling hard, you're not in flow, because my life was feeling really hard. But since I've made this decision, now everything's just like, everything's just unfolding. I got, I found this, people helped me find this apartment. So I'm here for a month and then I just spent a good 10 days just literally looking after me. Looking after me, just being quiet, without that pressure of I'm supposed to be traveling and I'm supposed to be doing this.

Speaker 2:

It was like no, you know sod that, like how does this need to feel for me? For a period of time, and literally over those 10 days then it was like oh, oh, this is how it feels to be present, to not be in that functional freeze place, to be able to have clarity, and then the trust in life, the allowing rather than the needing to sort of micromanage and control everything. And it was almost that moment of like God, you know, I'd done a lot of work. How would I become like that again? You know what I mean? Because we just get sucked back in again to it so easily. So it's my, you know, my really big thing now is to not allow that to happen again and to stay in, you know, know, to stay in much more of this energy and work in this energy, creating this, this life so exciting, isn't it so exciting for you, so wonderful to listen to your journey.

Speaker 1:

I think we'll have to have you on again when you're like six or nine months in see where you are. Then you'll be a completely different version, um. So, in where you are now, do you have plans? Do you have any loose plans or do you? Are you at the 100%?

Speaker 2:

like I'm just gonna go with all the insight that I'm given around me yeah, so because of how it happened that I came to Morocco and just so many little bizarre things happened, like when I booked my bus, like I've got this number that always comes up for me it's like 1818, you know, and there was a thing with flamingos before I came and just so many little signs and the. The way that that occurred was just very, very organically. There was, like, I say, there was no plan to come here. So I'd kind of it's funny, because I kind of went on to book some flights last week and it was almost like it was almost like the universe was kicking me off, just because it was like no, this isn't you being present, because I was trying to like plan too far ahead, and it actually kicked me out of two flight sites, three to both, three times each. So I was like, okay, okay, I'm not, I'll leave it, I'll leave it. Um, and like, as I was telling you before, that actually led to this crazy little week week-long whirlwind romance that I've just allowed myself to be in the throes of, which has been incredible, um, and that's come to a bit of a close today, because that person's now going on to the next part of their journey, um, and I can feel that sense in me now of right, okay, that's complete, now start feeling into what you want to do next. Um, so I feel like, like I say the loose plan. Um, someone told me, um, someone told me, when I was, I did a couple of, like a few days of traveling Croatia God, many years ago now, about 10 years ago and I remember meeting a couple of guys then who'd been traveling from America and they'd just done this trip up from Albania, um, up from Albania through Montenegro, bosnia, herzegherzegovina, and then all the way up to, like, hungary, slovenia, slovakia. So I feel that was that's always been something that I've wanted to do, like just this little sort of road trip up up there. So I feel like I've just had a quick check for flights and interestingly now, I couldn't get a direct flight last week, but this week I've literally just gone on and checked and as I'm talking, I'm getting these truth shivers now. So it's probably going to be Albania next and then up through the other countries I was going to.

Speaker 2:

So the plan for this was to stay away just full-blown 12 months, but the pet care that I'd arranged, that sort of there's been a little bit of a change of circumstance there. So it's possible likely maybe that I'm going to have to pop back to the UK at some point. But then again, this is where the plan's got even bigger now, because the plan now is right. Okay, how do I free up more money? Is that looking like you bringing putting the house up for sale? Travel? Now there's like a real.

Speaker 2:

It goes beyond 12 months now, and at the time of making this decision it was just a 12 month thing and I'd got this little view of how it was going to go. Oh my God, what's opened up now is just like you know. It's very likely. Now. You know there's going to be global retreats. I'm going to be constantly traveling. There's just the possibility. Now has just gone from that like tiny little flash. I had it's way bigger than that and there's way more possibility in it than that. So, yeah, so I think the next part is a flight to Albania, work my way up maybe, but you know, this is the thing about being present. Who knows, who knows, I might get pulled next week too. I don't know like Sri Lanka keeps popping up as well. So who knows, let's see.

Speaker 1:

How exciting, how exciting and it is so inspirational listening to you and I think I totally hear and resonate with this element that you're talking about in terms of courage to not go back and not get sucked into the old way of being on some level but not being on another.

Speaker 1:

The whole, like doing the human doing when you're on that treadmill of life and everything you feel like you're in. This should, energy and expectations, and it's all about everybody else and achievements, rather than the space that you're in now, where is very much human being led and human feeling led and, um, you know, let's see the whole um beautiful energy of anticipation and curiosity, which I just love being in. So I have loved talking to you on multiple levels, on a personal level and for the listeners. Um, the last question that I want to ask you which is what I ask all my listeners and I'm interested to see what you say with this is the? Um, what is a book that you have read or listened to in the past that you think has formed some part of your realization, to take you on to the journey that you're on now?

Speaker 2:

god, I've just got to pick one like that's so hard you can pick two or three do you know, I'm gonna do two because, just because I'm actually reading another one of the sequels, so a book that really stood out to me because it was just so, so, so profound, was the um paolo coelho, um the alchemist and, interestingly, um, when I got to where I am on the bookshelf, was his trilogy. So I'm actually reading the first one in the trilogy right now, which is called the pilgrimage, and that book I mean I can't really. I just know that I remember the other one being profound, but as I'm reading this one now, this is all about, like you know, it's an external journey, but this one's actually got little exercises in that we can do to break through fear to. It's like, literally, you know, each chapter's got an exercise to to grow beyond your fear, to grow beyond your very limited you know your limitations, and it's it's profound, it's really profound um so and so timely, as always, it's on that so time.

Speaker 2:

I'm literally picking it up every day and every day I'm reading the page that literally relates to. I was just trying to think the snippet that I was reading the other day. It was something about. Basically, it was exactly what I just moved through and what I've just been talking about when we can create enough space in our lives so that we can. It's talking about how quite often we're living in this place of torture because we're never here, we're always, we're always planning what's coming over there and it's like we can't ever just enjoy being here because we're always planning and thinking and da, da, da, da, and it just steals so much joy.

Speaker 2:

And it was saying you know when we can, when as humans we can find the courage and the resolve to say I'm going to create myself a period of time and space whereby I can be still, come back to me and be truly living in the moment and get the clarity that comes from being in the moment and find the trust in life that comes from being in the moment. That's like some people will never, will sadly never experience that in this lifetime, and that would be my. You know. That would be. My advice to anybody is find a way of creating yourself that space, even if it's just once you know. Yeah, yeah, and this is the whole thing, isn't it? It's just once you know.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, and this is the whole thing, isn't it? It's about finding the space in the way that feels good for you. So your space is like this whole wonderful journey that's going to be the rest of your life, that started with an idea and some other people's space that will be equally as profound for them maybe five minutes sitting outside every single day.

Speaker 1:

It's just finding that version for you, isn't it that sits with you, where you are expansive in your own being, um, and nothing else. So thank you so so much, sam. I've really enjoyed it. I'm huge, huge love to you and appreciation for coming on, and I would love to have you on again just while you're still in this 12 month. Well, it's not 12 months anymore, you've admitted that. But this journey to see where you are in six months, I'd love to see um, if you're up for it, coming back on and seeing what happens where your life is yeah, that'd be amazing, that would be.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's just like yeah, because I've got no idea, no idea. So thank you so much for having me on. It's been absolute, yeah, absolute honor and just letting just having me on to speak about it, and I hope this has given some inspiration for people to do their own thing.

Speaker 1:

So if people have been inspired and they want to find out a bit more, Sam, how can people follow this journey? I know you've given us some details. We put on the show notes, but how can people follow the live journey with you? We put on the show notes.

Speaker 2:

But how can people follow? You know, like the live journey with you? Yeah, so most of it is so most of it's on between facebook and tiktok um, so it's just following me on facebook, so samantha hemming um and then the tiktok, I think, just off the top of my head, 365 figuring out life live um. But I'll, yeah, I think that's what I sent you for the, the show notes.

Speaker 1:

So, yeah, yeah yeah, they'll all be underneath. So go and have a lot. Go and have a lot. Go and continue your inspiration listeners. Um, and yeah, let's just listen together and watch together about where sam ends up, what other magic she'll be able to bring to the next episode that she comes on. So thanks so much, sam. I've really appreciated it. Take care and look after yourself and your journey. Oh, thank you so much. Thank you for tuning into this week's episode. I hope that you're feeling energized, fearless and inspired to take action today to stand in your greatness. I share even more tools and resources on my I dare to leap. By signing up, you not only get early access to the iDare2Leap products and services, but you also get brand new podcast episodes delivered straight to your inbox every Monday, meaning you'll never miss your weekly dose of becoming fearless energy. Sign up now at wwwidare2leapcom. Forward slash newsletter or click the link in the show notes below.

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